You Know You're In Kitchener When...

lol this one is for you Brad… wanted to start this after going to kitchener with him today to check out a 240 lol…

-You Know you’re in Kitchener when, you drive around above the speed limit for hours and there is not a cop in site.

-You Know you’re in kitchener when, there is a rent a cop in the LCBO and you’re the only black guy in the LCBO minding your own damn business and the rent a cop walking around trying to watch if you’re going to steal something.

-You Know you’re in kitchener when, the downtown streets names are the same as the ones in downtown toronto.

-You know you’re in kitchener when, you can buy 2 big ass slices of pizza and a pop for $2.25.

-You know you’re in kitchener when, you’re the only black guy in th pizza store and have a random girl stair into your daylight like she’s thinking in her head “THEY DO EXIST OUTSIDE TV LAND”

(i saved the best for last lol here it is)
-You know you’re in kitchener when, there is a 12 year old white girl alone in the family van in the parking lot jam’n to Akon’s Smack that track when mommy and daddy isnt around… LMFAO!!!

damnit brad we should have taken a vid or pic of this HAHAHAHAHAHA

anyways im done if anyone else has something to contribute to this please do hahaha… this was all thanks to refused. thanks for the ride dude we should chill again soon :R

hahahahaha jokes!:i

hahahaha, thats awsome.

ya and you did save the best for last. that girl was rocking, she had her hands and head going to the song. god damn camera didntwant to work… than the light went off so no point after that.

but ya man. had a good day.

you know your in kitchener when…
-a bunch of buildings downtown catch on fire one after the other. (i think it was like 3 within several years)
-when gansta’s hang around city halls ice rink thinking there all that.
-when i drop a can of beer in the LCBO and just grab another six pack with no one giving a rats ass.
-when the $2.25 pizzas are damn good.
-when the furniture guys say they willl be at your place by 3 but still arent there by 6… when we should of found more info on that car.
-when anthony gets confused while i know exactly where we are…

and ya that 12 year old girl was “random”

im sure theres more but ya, had a good day see ya again man.


lol yeah Kitchener is kinda ghetto but trust me hamilton is a bigger shithole here u can get that pizza and pop for $2.50 and u get a bj

you know your in kitchener when…
-a bunch of buildings downtown catch on fire one after the other. (i think it was like 3 within several years)
-when gansta’s hang around city halls ice rink thinking there all that.
-when i drop a can of beer in the LCBO and just grab another six pack with no one giving a rats ass.
-when the $2.25 pizzas are damn good.
-when the furniture guys say they willl be at your place by 3 but still arent there by 6… when we should of found more info on that car.
-when anthony gets confused while i know exactly where we are…


^^ yours are so true brad LMFAO HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. the wanna be gangsta at city hall was the best too. that stupid wangsta lol. remember when the lady randomly passed the girls van and she stop jamming for a second then when the lady left she went back at it then she turned off the vans lights and started going wild… :smiley: lmao… you see what akon and eminem do to young kids hahahahaha… RANDOM!

altimaze: 2.50 is wayyy over priced hahaha kitchener pizza price owns :stuck_out_tongue:

You guys are too funny… I’ve lived in Toronto for the last 29 years for the most part and recently moved to kitchener over the summer. And I’m Filipino.

It is funny when I show up at the Corral Stampede (basically a cowboy’s bar). You got the same look from the Pizza girl that I got from all the cowboys and gals at their bar.

I tend to disagree about the cop thing… theres quite a bit of them around cause they have less things to do. But they’re much nicer here than the ones in Toronto.

Pizza price for sure. :R Go out to the bars… You’re $20 will take you a long way. $20 will only pay for your parking in downtown Toronto.

ya the cop thing was just pretty much that time we were driving around. only saw the cops once and there was like 10 of em at the same spot. (near king/ottawa)
and hahahaha the stampede corral, the only time i can go there is if im going to get loaded. cant stand country music in that ammount. i work with someone that goes there almost every weekend. to her its “her bar”. and ya $20 is good for a night out but a cheap night out. i usually bring $40.

pay for parking? nah you know your in kitchener when you dont have to pay to parking (for the most part, and if you do have to pay its only a couple bucks)

Tirewerkes: lol nicely done why did you even move there anyways???

why wouldnt he want to move here. you can get pizza and a pop for $2.25 cant go wrong with that

-you know your in kitchener when a cop car gets t-boned by a big rig. (this just happen the other night… actually the day we met up anthony)

the wonders of living in the country…or the suburbs lol …gotta love the not driving the speed limit and not seeing any cops around

Tired of gunshots in Scarborough.
Tired of traffic and giving myself 2 hours to get around the city.
I could go on… don’t even get me started.

I’m only in Toronto for business as the majority of our clientele is from Toronto. but our Head Office is up in Kitchener where it’s cheaper.

You know you’re in Kitchener, when it takes you 15mins to get anywhere in the city.

BTW, I bring $20 to the bar because by the time we get there… we’ve already spent a pretty penny at the beer store and LCBO earlier in the afternoon. Do you actually think this asian would show up sober at a country boy bar? :{


haha im white and i dont like showing up at that bar sober. i gotta at least have a few beers in me too. :C

lmao we should start you know you’re in toronto/scarborugh when… rofl i think we can make pages and pages of that :D. its still not as much gunshots as in the west end though… :C