You think you've got it bad?


wow, a lurker owns me.
That’s pretty cool! LOL at the $5,000 donated by hungary

Thank you for beating me to that.

just what we need to do with our gas prices how they are is send fuel over to another country so they can burn bodies…

WTF? Where did virdone come from???

They hate America enough to not enough accept aid. The world seriously does not like this country. It’s unfortunate, but it’s a dog eat dog world. It will never be perfect.


Never thought of it like that. Them not being able to burn bodies is actually reducing oil consumption!

feed the poor peoples with the meat?

om nom nom?

just bury that ish. Gimme a D9 dozer and one of those sealed microbe suits as seen in outbreak etc, less fuel needed, more time effective. Mass graves FTW

^ And really great growing soil in a couple of years :tup:

I’m now 100% in the “fuck them” mindset.

Aid agencies are furious over the Myanmar government’s refusal to allow them to distribute food and supplies flown in for cyclone disaster victims.

The ruling military junta has been allowing planes to land, but is not letting the cargo be distributed by most foreign aid workers, especially those from Western nations.

Despite earlier reservations, Myanmar has now agreed to allow one American cargo aircraft to land with relief supplies on Monday, White House Deputy Press secretary Gordon Johndroe said Friday.

The United States had earlier proposed an aid plan that would minimize the presence of American troops on the ground, with the planes to drop supplies off and then turn around and leave.

The U.S. is also proposing that its Navy helicopters already in Thailand and onboard Navy ships in the region fly supplies to remote areas. The helicopters would conduct low-level flights and air-drop the supplies but not touch the ground.

Nope. Fuck them.

Gotta draw the line somewhere, and they aleady traced the outline in pencil.


We aim the bombs and missiles inside of that outline, right?

I didn’t say rape 'em.

Sorry, typo, that was supposed to be “now” not “not”.

So yeah, fuck them. “We’ll take your food, but only if you fly in, drop it off, then GTFO so the people who get the food never knew it came from you motherfucking asshole americans.”

Fuck food. The people are motivated now. Strike while the iron’s hot. Drop guns and watch that military government get ousted. :drama2:

I too find it ironic. The junta is not allowing aid to avoid empowering the people, but they do realize they are likely digging themselves a deeper whole by pissing people off a great deal more by denying them aid and help.

We couldn’t help them, we couldn’t even handle katrina.

Fuck em. We’re out.