You think you've got it bad?

How about having the problem of not having enough fuel to burn all of the dead bodies?

Myanmar’s cyclone survivors have insufficient fuel to burn the rotting corpses of the dead as the country’s military junta continues to block access for aid groups.

Fucking hell what a mess. Death toll at 22,000 and expected to get as high as 100,000. For comparison, Katrina’s death toll was a hair over 1800.

Yet their government won’t let us help. :picard:

I was watching some of this on the news last night.

To be completely honest, I’m split just about 50/50 on how I feel. Part of me feels bad and wants to help them because I know they are in no way capable of handling this crisis on their own.

The other part of me looks at my own country and sees enough problems that I just want to say, “yeah, your problems are worse, but we have to take care of our own house before we jump back into world savior mode”.

Maybe all those countries who didn’t go to war with us in Iraq can pick up the tab on this one.

Agreed. Can’t save the world, so where do you draw the line? Having to fight their government to be allowed to help might be that line. I dunno. I feel bad for them. Well, as bad as I can feel for people I’ve never met. Not gonna pretend that I’m all distraught over something that I read that doesn’t affect my life, but I wish them well. If we can help them then I hope we do. If not, there are plenty of other problems.

fucking :word:

Fuck em! If they say “You’re not coming in!” we should start a war in their country to prove a point…

why burn them…just dump them in the ocean.
pleanty of fish to take care of that

fucking bleeding heart liberals.

Fuck em, let them deal with their own shit.

Ok fine, you caught me. The split is more like 90/10, 90 being the “fuck them, we have shit we need to spend money on here”. But I already have a rep as a cold hearted republican. :slight_smile:

If your govt kills monks that are demonstrating for democracy and you don’t overtake that govt, you are not worth helping.

granted katrina was not shit compared to this, but I didn’t see any other countries sending aid to us during that time?

That’s like saying you don’t give to charity because homeless people have never given anything to you though.

Do you really think Myanmar was in a position to help the US with Katrina?

seriously? you know that makes no sense, right?

hold on a second here. they have all those trees, houses and whatever else that got destroyed, and they dont have enough fuel to burn? am I missing something here? why cant they just take all the trees and whats left of the scrapped structures and have a huge bonfire and throw the bodies in it?

soaking wet wood…

I disagree. 99.7% of Myanmar is POOR as fuck. But there is that .3% like government officials ect. that have plenty of money. Same goes with the middle east. Most of the people are poor as dirt but there is the select few higher ups who are driving around ferraris ect.

So the government of Myanmar should send money to help the US with Katrina, instead of helping it’s 99.7% poor as fuck population?

Seriously, just stay out of serious threads because you just end up looking like an idiot.

Because they REALLY look like they are helping their people, right?

“as the country’s military junta continues to block access for aid groups.”

EDIT: and let me say, “poor as fuck” should not be taken as an insult, I thought “poor” would not get the point across quite as well.

if they could get it to dry out a little bit and get a good enough fire going, i bet they could use it. but regardless, thats a shitty problem to have.


I guess I’m a slow reader, I read this as soaking,wet wood.

Kinda like beating a dead horse. Ha.