da dandana da...... to the rescue again!!!!

da dandana da… to the rescue again!!!
Bush calls on Myanmar to let the U.S. help cyclone victims.

meanwhile :shithitfan: in the US.

ex. Oil hits record $120.93 on fear of tight supply today.

what is your overwhelming passion for following the rise in oil prices?

$ in the market my guess.


the price of oil is not a “crisis” per say… it’s an inconvenience. It means you have to start putting some of your “needs” priority to your “wants”

You now have a tragedy where we can step up and help people in need…it’s obviously a political statement as well to show the US is willing to help others and show the world that we are not completely evil. In the end, the help is about human lives.


im just glad that the 22,000 and rising death count didnt effect oil prices. For a minute there I figured demand would drop since there would probably be 15,000 or so less mopeds would be buzzing around Myanmar :rofl: too soon?

What sucks is the world is so quick to condem us for Iraq, Afghanistan, the IMF etc but any time there is a disaster like this, or the tsunami, we’re the first ones they look to for help.

we are probably going to help them with an agreement to set up a military base there

:word: and how many countries offered the US help for Katrina?

Because we are way beyond helping them in Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc…

We almost to the point where we are trying to control them, seriously at this point I think it would have been cheaper just to make them a territory.

+ muthafuckin 1

That’s the price you pay for being on top. Don’t worry though, won’t be us much longer and the heat will be off.

:bigclap: :rofl: :uhh: :cry:

p.s.- Fry and Jay S are two of the top 5 best posters on this site.


This is the attitude that is ruining the country.

Why does everyone have to assume that just because the heat is on a little higher that we should just roll over and die?

America is a country built on hard work, freedom and rugged individualism. Freedom takes sacrifice, which is something no one wants to make these days.

I dont know where to start…so i will leave it at that. I am going to get some food. OMG OIL $130 a barrel!!!


Most of our work is going overseas for cheaper labor. Due to people on an assembly line that do the same thing all day thinking they should make $34/hour.

The way I look at this issue is to start learning to live off the land. I got deer meat for the year, taking care of the few apple, cherry, pear trees I have in the side lawn, and getting ready to plant a little wheat and corn this year.

Thats my plan, it just seems to me some people should get up and do something besides watch CNN and paly online all day.

I will say I don’t know much about politics ect… so bash me if needed, I need to learn anyway