The OFFICIAL Gun Thread.

Shitty trigger, and most importantly it won’t fire a chambered round without a mag. Any gun that wont fire a chambered round without a mag is no good for me. Specially for a carry piece. Shit don’t hit the fan everyday no matter how much you train nothing will be like the real thing if you need it. That being said, say something happened you draw in panic you touch the mag release, now even your chambered round (assuming you carry hot, cause if don’t you shouldnt be carrying) won’t go bang. No thanks.

Find a solo, or a kahr, or even the new nano by beretta.

I do belong, indoor is limited. Pm your work schedule and what not. Id be more than happy to meet you for some shooting. Same goes for everyone else.

Pretty sure the Glock gen 4 has what you need and is ambi if I’m not mistaken.

We all have our opinions, I for one wouldn’t take a m&p over my glocks for nothing. I don’t like them, glocks are proven proven proven.