The OFFICIAL Gun Thread.

I CC my G26 all the time and love it. Can’t go wrong. It’s my only pistol, but I’m looking into something .45 next. Hopefully a H&K MK23 or USP after I get my SP89.

Do you belong to a range? Maybe indoor? I’d like to get my hands on one and a few other pistols before i make my final decision, its been a long time since I used the Glock, i was only 13-14 when my father let me fire his so damn its been 9-10 years, god damn it doesnt feel like that long.

Wish Glock had the option for a left handed conversion, I shoot left handed, though Im thinking i might just try and switch to right and train my right eye

Look at a S&W M&P .40 then. I prefer them over the Glock.

Shitty trigger, and most importantly it won’t fire a chambered round without a mag. Any gun that wont fire a chambered round without a mag is no good for me. Specially for a carry piece. Shit don’t hit the fan everyday no matter how much you train nothing will be like the real thing if you need it. That being said, say something happened you draw in panic you touch the mag release, now even your chambered round (assuming you carry hot, cause if don’t you shouldnt be carrying) won’t go bang. No thanks.

Find a solo, or a kahr, or even the new nano by beretta.

I do belong, indoor is limited. Pm your work schedule and what not. Id be more than happy to meet you for some shooting. Same goes for everyone else.

Pretty sure the Glock gen 4 has what you need and is ambi if I’m not mistaken.

We all have our opinions, I for one wouldn’t take a m&p over my glocks for nothing. I don’t like them, glocks are proven proven proven.

Is variable an option? Say 1-4 or 1-3??

Incomming PM

as far as the glock being Ambi, from what I can recall it was comfortable to hold, at least I dont remember it feeling awkward, when i reloaded I just switched hands to hit the mag release load an new mag and rack the slide then brought it back to my left hand.

While in a range setting not a big issue, but just for overall gun control I’d like to see if its possible and comfortable to maybe use my midle finger in my left hand to hit it, whether or not hitting the release accidently would be to much of an issue, or down the road just start training my right eye and right handed grip

the gen 4 has a reversable mag release. its one of the things they did with the gen 4 that the earlier gen’s didnt offer. didnt matter to me because im a righty, but what i love most about gen 4 is three different back straps to chose which fits your hand the best.

Oh fucking sweet

When I was looking at them I saw no mention of that but I wasnt looking at glocks site.

Whats the price on these guys new? Around 600?

Alright maybe im really fucking stupid, but trying to get everything together to submit for my permit.

The wording for the submitting process seems absolutely retarded to me

Once the application is filled out, and I contact my references to fill out my character reference sheets and they mail it in, or can I have them just give it back to me and I can bring them all with me?

Do I then go down to the sheriffs office to be fingerprinted and have the application signed and finished and then mail it to the judge with my letter?

Maybe im having one of my days, but the instructions jump back and forth it seems.

You do your course first.
Then you pick 4 ref’s in your county that you’ve known for at least 5yrs. THEY fill it out and send it in, its illegal for you to do so.
Then you do your paperwork, get that squared away and set. They will call you when all your references are in and you can then do your fingerprints and such.
Somewhere in between that, buy your pistol, and get all that info on your paperwork as well.
You’re also going to have to write a letter to the judge staying your purpose for getting your gun, and a brief background about yourself.

Shit sucks!

Alright thanks Adam!

Got my course scheduled
Have everyone who will be filling out my refrence sheets
My applications already good to go aside from being fingerprinted etc

So after I take the course, those people send it in, and they will call me when they recieve those sheets? So I don’t do anything with my application until they call me?

then after that buy the gun , get the info on the application and then submit to the judge my letter and application

three places i go religiously (guns inc, oakwood trading post, and b&j) will almost 100% stock this. itll be $525 without night sights and $625 with. Originally when i bought mine i went to Zach’s first. they wanted $585 and couldnt even get it. they said their suppliers didnt even have any at the time. i drove to b&j and they had dozens in stock.

what county? some of adam’s answers are correct some a little off.

this is for schenectady county.

get your application packet, have four references fill them out and mail them. make sure you know who is doing this. ive heard of people having their reference say no to the “should applicant have a pistol permit” for personal believes or because the applicant has children yada yada yada. make sure who you give it to is going to say yes and not hold you back from getting your permit. if you live with a relative you can use one relative. fill out the four copys of application with pistol permit with photos. i just used pass port photos from like cvs. you must put $ down on the gun because the gun info must be on your application. this will be the first gun that goes on your permit if and when approved. DO NOT wait for the sheriffs office to call you because they wont. call them and say are my references in? if no wait a week and try again. then you go get finger printed at the available times (just show up, no appointments) bring your money order and application and letter to the judge. they fingerprint you and then they take your application and wait for background check then forward it to the judge’s office. youll get a letter to schedule an appointment with the judge. its just an interview he talks a small amount about gun safety and his expectations. then if things work out they will call you or send you an other letter that your permit is ready to be picked up.

if theres any specifics let me know. basically you need a reciept and serial number of a gun by the day you get finger printed. because the info goes on your app. you bring your app with you to get finger printed once you know the references are all there.

just saw your in schenectady. your lucky. by far prob the best clerks. we can get amendments the same day and dont have to wait to add a gun that you buy. answer all sorts of questions and very helpful.

heres some links for you.

incase you didnt have them already.

Thanks man, yea im in schenectady, I understand the judge is pretty good about giving pistol permits so long as you have nothing that should prevent you from getting one

Also for the reason on my application I put recreational shooting, because thats pretty much what i’ll use it for. Is that okay? When I was looking on google for clarification on the steps of the process, someone mentioned something about putting down whether or not you want restricted/unrestricted, which from my understanding unrestricted you need to have your permit for a year?

Also the corneal carry checkbox is the one to check correct?

As far as my references go, its my wife, and 3 other people that currently have pistol permits, all people ive known my whole life, one being a cop, not that it really matters that much :lol

yes check the conceal carry. also what class are you taking? i did woodlawn and they were very helpful and helped you fill some stuff out at the class.

You think a trespassing charge would constitute them not giving you a permit??

I wouldn’t think that it would give you a problem, assuming it just depends on how the judge is feeling that day.

speeding tickets can cause you to not be able to get your pistol permit in NY

Colt commander 1911 everyday carry is where its at.

QFT for reeelz

yea ny gun laws are rediculous , i did not know about the speeding tickets but it would not surprise me at all. i think anyone in ny thats thinking they want to get a permit better start quick before it becomes impossible

i have no problem at all carrying my 3 inch now and then. its narrower than a glock anyways. 1911s are boss.