you are such a faggot! :bowrofl:
how is that awesome? or are you being sarcastic? that blows
shut up…maybe someone will take that money install a pool…then call you to clean it money in your pocket…
your starting to cry more then shalerpunk…your starting to sound like a really bad antiflag song
have the resorts i have stayed at overseas are owned by people/companies fron the us…
some sarcasm intended, but I thought that a lot of the all inclusives in mexico/carribean were owned by companies out of europe particularly spain and portugal
It’s not my fault our government gives me so much to bitch about. And Anti-Flag was cool back in the day.
nope alot or being bought out by apple vacations left and right…
and even so if they were not owned by the US they are still employing the people in these third world areas giving them jobs inturn less money the us has to shell out in supporting there ass//
No, not awesome, total sarcasm my fellow American. I hate the concept of taking away from successful people that work hard and giving money to people that didn’t even pay any taxes, it makes me want to vomit.
I don’t know how accurate that chart is considering I saw another one that went by the first three digits of the SS# and according to it Dom and I won’t get a check until August, yet the one you posted says July.
I hope that chart’s not right because that means I’ll get my check AFTER our wedding. I’ll need it before. haha.
hope it’s right… I’m in the first week!
yeah i know lol. me too.
It seems our check will be going toward a 47" flat panel lcd tv :bigthumb:
I don’t make enough documented income to earn it
so why dont you sell me some of your “undocumented” income.
Open a 0% credit card and pay it off as soon as you can. That’s what me and my wife did and today I am making my last payment.
its called Poker
It is a pretty good undocumented income
yeah I’m in the black when it comes to poker. Never any really substantial amounts though.
we’ll teach you… gambling meet FTW