Economic Stimulant Cut Passed :picard:


The brightest point of this news bit:

Rep. John Campbell, R-Calif., said the message is, "Go buy a flat-screen TV and save America. … We’re sending completely the wrong message here — a message which says, ‘Don’t save, spend.’ "

IMO, the fear of recession is so great that the government is jumping on the bandwagon - one which renforces horrible monetary habits, which is one of the primary reasons for the looming recession.

But, no one wants to be on record as “taking away someones tax gift”


politics and “common man” stupidity at work

talk about money i’d actually rather not have…

Give us the money this year and raise taxes and take it back next year. Brilliant!

The same people that love this, are the people making <$250k/yr and think that Bush’s tax cuts were phenominal because they include the words “tax” and “cut”.

thing you people don’t look into si the fact, yes go spent it into the economy and tax us a little harder later. spend it now, save a real hard depression and come up with new idea’s\ways to make up for it. a slight recession with money borrowed with good ways to get it back will be better than a bad recession that could hurt us for years


Way to understand economics. :gay2:

one word


Dutch boy.

Thanks, I was just kidding!


well, i don’t get the tax break anyway, but seriously. wtf is 800 bucks? why is this a big deal?

It would a great idea if they were paying for it with 150 billion in cuts. The vast majority of people getting this refund will spend it, which will boost the economy. Unfortunately since we’re just going to deficit spend to pay for it we’re only going to make things worse in the long term.

so its still “up to” 600 or 1200 …for all we know i can get 50 bucks…and are we going to go with the house vote or the senate…??? i think they should give us both :gotme: b/c i found out that if you make 30k more a year buy a 100k house and a 25k car they take away all kinds of money this year for taxes i got back about 6k less then last year and like i said i made more and bought more … I now know why people that make a good amt of money always hate tax time

I think the only way this bill should of been passed is if we had a surplus to pay for it.

when is the last time there was a surplus in the 20’s ???

Clinton’s presidency. Go figure. Damn tax and spend liberals.

Here’s $800, in a year you’ll pay back $880 in new taxes. Thank you, come again economic stimulus package

i paid about 23,000 dollars in income tax this year.

i need a wife and a house.