Your best purchases.

My house. I’m proud I was able to do it on my own and call it my own.

Nikon D50

  • Birth Controll for the GF: This enables the following purchases;

  • House, except mowing for 3.5 hours a week blows dick

  • Ring to call GF of 8 years more than a GF

  • All my tools, shop equiptment, welders… big $$ or little $$… from the common every day tool to the I need this retarded tool right now but who knows when I might use it again. They ALL will allways be usefull until the day I die, and then will go to my kids.

  • Dirt bikes, motorcycles, sleds, cars, computers… They keep me from doing stupid shit that could land me in jail or make me a fat over weight looser in life. And since I learn everything in life hands on… all those toys I owe my life to. Honestly.