Your best purchases.

We’ve all had regretful purchases that we really wanted, cost us a lot of money, but in the end we rarely used them or they broke etc.

Lately I’ve found myself doing some basic math behind some of the purchases we do in daily lives.

To go to the movies, it will take X amount of work hours - taxes to see a 2 hour long movie. If it’s entertaining, it took you X hours of work for two hours entertainment… not a bad investment.

However there are some purchases that you’ve spend X amount of hours working for but got you nearly nothing or absolutly nothing in return. Not even minding the extremely bad ratio of Hours or work - TO - hours of fun.

For example :

XBox 360 : 300$ IIRC, + each game ~ 50$, total hours of fun, in hundreds of hours - good purchase/“investment”.

Iphone 3GS - 300$ + Plan

Out of all the phones I’ve ever bought, this is by far the most useful and each day I spend hours being “useful” on it by browsing Shift, splitting endless OT discussions and keeping the ban stick in use, so it doesn’t get dusty. However I spend even mroe time being much less useful on it, playing games and browsing random online. I can honestly say one of the best purchases I’ve done.

So to some it up, what items, any items - toaster, hats, random clothing, vehicle, alarm clock, chair, monitor, pets, pens, knives, snowboards etc, have you bought that you’ve gotten more than it’s fair share of use out of and them some, which was well worth the purchase.

I feel like this may bring on “regretful purchases” thread however. I’ve got a big list fot those too. Most are causes by procrastination. Warranties top that list. :banghead

Nintendo DS $130 + Flash Cart $25 = Lots of hours of entertainment at dialysis, and even now I still play it quite bit. And it helps keep the kid occupied in the car.

prince albert done at blue horshe in va beach…57$…and a 3 bar jacobs ladder for 78$…

rented a clown the other day, was very entertaining.

Education, condoms, and Mountain Dew.

hmmm impala, house, cobra. in that order.

best buy

worst buy

what, they werent lint free?

Didnt you know youre supposed to go with smaller ones so it makes your dick look bigger?

Be serious or :gtfo

Threads WILL start being more on topic, and puropsely meant derailing will be split.

Kramer, Pjb that means you both.


House, I agree, cars are debatable. Education is a very good call by JClark

I’ll add - tools. Worth every penny and paid for themselves.

srs post:

a ton of fun for very cheap

Education- even though I fucking hate it
My civic
My mini fridge- because my room mates like to help themselves to what isn’t theirs

LOL I have a video on my computer back from 11th grade of HS where we drove all around town honking a loud one at people. That was pre-megaphone days…
can’t live without em

worddddddd… gooddddd call

jesus christ… I forgot about my valentine too
