With a catch - if you have a project of your own in DIY, you can’t vote for yourself. :tspry:
In random order
Schema’s '77 280Z:
newmans’s RB/E30:
camarojoe’ '69 big block:
Carnut’s '53 ratrod with Mitsubishi Mighty Max driveline / 4G64:
eMkay’s Locost build:
Honorable mention: Brent Strong’s LS1/FD, Anonymity 's AWD CRX, anything Griff buys :lol:
i dont know
lafingasses cf roof?
lafingasses custom seats?
lafingasses custom v1 mount?
lafingasses custom car?
July 17, 2007, 7:26am
Gotta agree with LAFENGAS’s work…all of it. 87Fox gets a nod for holding true to a promise to a past friend, and being that it’s a fox Mustang gets my attention. Newman’s BMW…the LSI RX7 because I want one…and pretty much anyone else taking the time to go through a car the right way, which includes several others that I’m overlooking.
July 17, 2007, 9:32am
LAFENGAS’ front bumper
Newman’s Bimmer
camarojoe’s BB
eMkay’s racecar
TrueBlue’s fastback
edit: :tup: for honorable mention!
LOL, you have too many BA rides to pick one.
July 17, 2007, 5:54pm
I would say Anonononimitititiy’s Rex, but I dunno much about it.
That being said, Locost build.
i dont know
lafingasses cf roof?
lafingasses custom seats?
lafingasses custom v1 mount?
lafingasses custom car?
josh’s entire car… my fav was the v1 install and the indash screen