your friends

nope :tup:

Yep, good for a laugh now and then:lol:

my friends rule hard.

that is all

I 3> Aaron he is the coolest!

<3 awwwwwwww

you’re all silly…

love youuuuuuuuuuuuuu

<3. I hang out with a ton of people I graduated with, but never really hung out with in high school. One of the last times I hung out with my “high school crew” I left 2 standing on the side of the road in the dead of winter, after one ripped a piece of molding off my car on purpose. That kind of shit gets old quick. One of them ended up all fucked up and nobody has heard from him in years. Life if too short to spend time with people who piss you off.

my friends are retards when they are around each other but when you hang out with them without the big group they are normal
