someone slipped…
LOL what a retard
HAHAHAHAHA what an awesome way to grow up.
lol, that dude is awesome
I hope she is hot
“Incest is the best! Put your sister to the test!”
lol, wtf
:tup: … i leave it at that
wtf is that shit
those are always funny and u start to read it, until u see this at the bottom:
Page:First 1 2 3…4857 Last
and on page 2:
" With one hand on her breast, you forsake the family crest! "
lmao, wtf indeed
God Bless America.
LMAO… it takes him all the way to page 21 to explain that his sister is not his girlfriend after so many attempts to shut people up by saying things like “why does it matter who my girlfriend is?” and I dont think its funny to mock my choices." lol
This guy must have some sort of mental defect.
im at a loss for words… fucking fantastic!
You read all the way to page 21?
Lol yup… bored at school, I skipped through a few I guess lol.
LOL that was great.