Your Weekly Dose of Singh

IDK i make too many threads here with pics and shit so i guess i should just do this shit weekly…

this week we got me with guns again (wow surprise)

but this time brought some friends along

AK47 + AR15 + M16 = a requirement for ear protection before i go deaf

OK let the pics begin :smiley:

First before the shooting lets check these…

it was a saturday, i woke up, didnt take a shower or even put on proper clothes, just kinda loaded up the guns and went for a hike

for the rest from the day click here

its public

I do not, ever, want to be around you with guns.

Seriously. :rofl

why dude i havent shot anyone yet

“yet” being the key word lol :lol

Looks good Singh, how you like the AK? I cant stand shooting them.

“just kinda loaded up the guns and went for a hike”

you’re fucked in the head and are a danger to society.

I agree. Scary.

yeah. im fucking nervous now.


Singh looks like he’s into some guerrilla warfare shizz in that picture.

what this fuck is up with this anyway???

Bell’s palsy?

“Say something, I keel you”

really? i think they are awesome, what do u shoot ? i like it cuz it feels more “raw” of a gun than like that camo ar15 which had a spring in the stock, softens it up


calm DOWN… i got this

dude i told u, i just woke up… LOL nah actaully i was shaking my face back from left to right as hard as possible and took pics like that, hilarious results

:lol first time i wore them things

Whose the O4 in 53rd Troop Command?

:rofl That’s funny as hell