You're all useless human beings

I’m going to point out something that makes me laugh each and every time I walk into a campus building/store/mall/cp whorehouse or anywhere else that has the handicapped “push to open” buttons which (when pressed) use an electric motor to open the door for you.

Let me re-emphasise the HANDICAPPED word in handicapped push to open button. Meaning, if you are in a wheelchair or are dying of cancer or have a half lung left to breathe with or for some other reason cannot physically open the door on your own. That would place you in the category of being ‘handicapped.’

The button was not placed there for useless, lazy, fat ugly bacne-covered slobs like yourselves to press and have the door open for you like you are some sort of magical god/diva superstar/jennifer anniston.

It’s there for the physically HANDICAPPED. What’s so hard about using your muscles to pull open a 20 pound door? Think of it as exercizing, except you don’t have to drive to the gym and deal with a bunch of grunting people desperately trying to get their swell on in order to look buff and impress some significant other figure in their lives.


who da fuck cares dude.

this will be just like a shift518 politics discussion, nothing will come out of it.

you guys definitely use the handicapped button. no doubt.

I used the handi-cap button on the doors at Siena allllll the time :rofl

sometimes though, they open way too slowly for my liking and it’s just faster to just open it.

i do sometimes because im immature and it amuses me, yes.

Actually only one of those is considered the legal definition of handicapped.

[/daily JClark misinformation nitpicking]

<---- Presses handicapped button whenever given the chance

This thread sucks.

I think I would argue that it’s human nature to do things the simplest way possible using brains not brawn, it separates us from all other species.

Chris, I saw you use the button in ADM not too long ago… :lmao

prly shouldn’t use elevators either

I use the elevator in BTC all the time when I gotta go to the 3rd floor. Knee surgery ftl!

sorry… you must be a handicapped little bitch :lol


i sometimes pull the automatic opening door open, not knowing it was the auto door until the motor kicks in and slows me down, i get mad and walk to the normal door next to it and get in before the cripple door is done.

i am disabled as well. but i dont need some door opening for me just yet

I was just looking over the list I made of everything in the world that I could care about… and this is third from the bottom

I use the buttons at SCCC when Im delivering shit there.

I am legally disabled, and if the fattys want to wait for the auto door to open, let them. Its the elevators where the bullshit is. If you can walk, take it as a blessing and use the fucking stairs, instead of taking up space and making ME wait longer for the lift. And then standing directly in front of the doors when they open, and look surprised that someone wants to get out, that pisses me off to no end.

well your mentally disabled, Im pretty sure that gives you the ok