kbb just leaves my plate # in all the pics!

yea, he can leave my plate number. Can’t have the planes being identifiable though.

FAA regulation to remove the BuNo from the aircraft?

strange that you can photograph military aircraft with all markings present, but not a private jet. or is it just the owners request?

Are the tail marks like a registration with planes? If someone knows where to look with those numbers can they tell who owns it, where its located etc?

I’d imagine if that were the case with military planes, all its going to tell you is its owned by the US Govt and maybe the base its stationed on? Nothing real “personal” and I doubt anyones gonna try and fuck with a US Military base :lol

owners request. There’s nothing illegal about it. But when someone goes out on a limb for you and then asks that you not do X in return, out of respect you don’t do X.

Why didn’t they want you doing Ecstasy?


^ Could you imagine Wayne on ecstasy?!?! EEEk!

Can’t wait to see the pics, I’m sure they will be amazing!

Exactly, the tail markings are unique to every air craft. There is a database on the FAA’s website where you can search by that number and find out who owns the aircraft and its location as you said.

We didnt have any glow sticks or glow in the dark paint :confused:

The D-Burg moonshine you were sippin’ on Saturday could’ve been a form of X :lol

Ah, I see I see :lol

i gotta figure out how to top this location…FUCK

Top of the Empire State Building. Do ett

The only spot that would kill this would be in Empire Plaza…like right where the Egg is. That probably involves an unrealistic amount of handiez to get in there.

i want my car ON TOP of the egg with a lightning strike in the distance…i will settle for nothing less

You forgot while doing a burnout in HDR.

I was going for on top of the Corning Tower with a tornado in the background then having the car airlifted onto the whitehouse lawn where you could do donuts on the lawn before being shot to death by secret service :rofl


I’m in for a handie.
