yup yup

family guy movie download is 20% through i’ll be watching this during work tomorrow :boink

im me when its finished. I’d like a copy :smiley:

im gonna have it too by the end of today

got it!

how don’t i have this?

I got it like a week ago. The first 20 mins are the funniest part then it seemed to go downhill from there. But there is tons of inuendos which add humor. I’m sure I missed a few too because there was so many.


cause you suck at computers and i pwn… see how i used the P instead of O, that’s internet talk kiddo! :eek4:

I had it for a while, def. worth it…

someone share?

ok,my turn with lory! :boink :naughty:

someone give me a place to upload and i will… its like 700mb

i downloaded it on limewire last night and when i opened it in media player to view it i got the following message: error in downloading codec. any ideas how to fix it and make it work ?

I’d imagine it’d divx or xvid codec.

www.divx.com or www.xvid.org

thanks ill try when i get home from work.


:nono: leslie’s turn w/ lory :naughty:

:3some: me leslie & lory!!!while chad sits at home! :beer:

chad maybe you could trade lory for that camaro?

i dunno. Brian?

let me test drive her & will see!
