Zoom Zoom Boom

There’s not better place to drink than Kendrew’s in Aliquippa.

Plus 9 pool tables and excellent food. And free pool night on Mondays!

kendrews sucks ass.

you suck ass

what the fuck is this pee wee hermans combacks.
rubber bounces off blah blah.

The eagles in ambridge is where to go.

The Eagles? My parents belong to the Elks in Rochester.

I didn’t know you were talking about old folks clubs.

You will be very surprised, The older folks bring in their hot single daughters.
Can’t knock it , till you try it.

The elks back in the day played the steelers in basketball. went to some games at rochester hs
know Beaver county well.

I can knock it, I’m practically married so the only good that would do me is to show what I’m missing. :doh:

Can’t go wrong with drunk parents and practically giving the daughter away.
entertainment no, almost a guarantee to get laid yes.

WORD… haha

So where is this place again? :boink :rofl:

Bastard you said there wouldnt be any chicks…afraid of my boyish good looks cuttin in on your action?/
and yes Fatti me and steve ended putting a motor I had layin around in that mx6 and sold it for like 2500 bux

wow this thread got hijacked

ya lol, it was never on topic to begin with anyways so o well lol.