Aircraft hits building in NYC?!?

Don’t they have no fly zones around NYC? What the hell is a student pilot doing flying over Manhattan?

This building is right off of the east river. You are allowed to fly over the east river…for now.

I’m going to hell for this, but I guess he flew like he pitched.

And :tup: to an instructor letting a n00b fly a plane in low visibility near a huge population center that is terrified when ever a plane goes remotely off course.

Darwin FTW.

I just heard this plane took off from a treadmill.

Indirectly this is A-Rod’s fault. If he had produced they would still be in the playoffs and Lidle would not have been flying a plane.

Fucking A-Rod… :wink:

That student was with a certified flight instructor, which was the actual pilot in command, which is allowed fo fly around nyc.


RIP Tho!!

One of my Yankee’s loving friends called about 45 minutes ago and said “lots of people in NYC are hoping he just let A-Rod borrow his plane”.


post of the mother fucking decade

EDIT: Bah, won’t work.

That stinks

Fuck your wingdings.


RIP :tdown:

rip :frowning:

I guess God hates the Yankees too.

No, he would have smited Derek Jeter if that were the case.