Blizzard of '08? w/polski

I took my road test in winter, didnt see much of a difference honestly.
The road test is so easy anymore.

FAIL! please accept this failboat ticket.:hang:

That’s so the idiots who are driving 50+ in an SUV don’t run over the middle aged person in thier tiny white honda, then say well I couldn’t see because of the snow.


over 10 inch’s in Town of Niagara and still falling.
I Hate winter, someone find that groundhog and shoot him in the face.

this shit blows i got stuck 5 times between yesterday and today and now stuck again in my parking lot. buffalo blows.



:lol: I almost plowed over some fuckstick in a 330i going 10mph with the Expedition on Maple today. Clearly had his performance tires still on. If you’re too fucking cheap to get at least all seasons for your $40k car stay the fuck home during a snow storm.

Here comes the next wave.

lol at my one neighbor who was over talking to me not long ago about his brand new, super-expensive, big, bad-ass snowblower “with all the bells and whistles that could plow you to the north pole and back”…I’ve been causally observing him clear about 1/4 of his driveway and his “super-duper snow-shooter” has since died and he’s been out there yanking the cord trying to fire it back up and has recently busted out the hand tools. all while my 23-year old beast of a snowblower keeps on purring like a kitten. FTmfW.

Right down to the pavement everytime. 5.5hp, and I’ve used ~2.5 gal for the entire winter thus far. Lightweight, no 50# auger.

Probably the coolest thing my old man owns

45" wide 4 wheels with power steering

jesus, whats that 500 lbs??

i think im gonna head out for a little freestyle driving. For having z-rated 20’s, I am amazed with the TBSS in deep snow

yeah we used to sell a shit ton of those when I worked at Hector’s, definitely a good machine! I have something to the effect of this:
i need to get a new scraper blade and the steel shoes that go on the side, but it starts every time and runs like a champ! prob WAY over-kill for my driveway but I’m pretty sure it came with the house when my parents bought it so i can;t argue with the price.

Nah…its pretty easy to use and it throws the snow about 50’ :slight_smile:

It probably weighs in just under 300lbs

all i know is i’m excited to go boarding tomorrow :headbang:

i have to do a valve spring retainer, head gasket, and carb tune on mine this year. since then, she runs pretty good. I think it needs a spark plug but oh well, cleared my driveway pretty good.

i rewound the coil on my snow blower so we are all good. my girlfriend is seriously the worst snow driver i ever drove with. i made her take me home to get my car so we could go get dinner

Anybody know how ellicottville has been today? There was probably 6in there at 10 PM last night.

looks like the northtowns have been getting it pretty good. I was out skiing at bristol today and it was nasty sleet/freezing rain all day and most of the way back to my car at the galleria. Came back to no new snow on the car but it started to snow again on the way back to hamburg.

I have new nokian hakkas all around and I am seriously considering buying a legacy 2.5gt for next winter.

in regards to e-ville
my boss drove there this afternoon and turned around in springville when it started raining.

but it was supposed to turn to snow later on

woohoo i was about to go out and snow blow but my grandfather came over to do it

So stop being a lazy fuck and go offer to do it for the old man.