Corrupt A Wish

granted, sunlight 24/7 and you never get to sleep

I wish for world peace

granted, now you have to sleep at your desk.

I wish I were omnipotent

granted, but because of global warming and the hole in the ozone, the sunlight blinds you and u have to work for a deodorant company sniffing armpits.

I wish it was summer.

Granted, summer at the north pole.

I wish I drove a Lambo

granted, but its got no seats. You sit on a milk crate.

I wish the paint on my car wasnt so shitty

granted but now you have lead poisoning

I wish i had a better job

granted, but now you spend all your time at work and end up moving in there.

I wish NYspeed would change its name to Motocrossx23isfuckingamazing.

Granted. Site fails.

I wish I could find a Wii in stock somewhere.

Granted but you have to travel to china to get it

I wish I could find bowling for the wii

Granted, but it’s at my buddy’s house. It rocks.

I wish I could find a Wii in stock in WNY.

Granted. But when you got it home, it wasn’t a Wii in the box, rather it was Wee in the box. Maybe that’s what the yellow stain was…

I wish my boss took the day off.

Granted, but then you become part of the denizens who sit around and play mock sports instead of real exercise. Before long you are fat and disgusting, all awhile failing to bowl a 300 in Wii Sports. Eventually Diabieties (sp) sits in, and you die eating french fries.

I wish I had some time to play COD4.

Granted, but then you become part of the denizens who sit around and play COD4 instead of exercise. Before long you are fat and disgusting, all awhile failing to get laid. Eventually Diabieties (sp) sits in, and you die eating french fries.

I wish I had some french fries.

Granted, but you die from diabietes.

I wish I had diabieties.

Granted. You have diabetes.

I wish I didn’t have to write an OIU in BASIC. :hang:

Granted, you now have to write two OIU’s in BASIC, without using PowerBASIC or any other compilers you’d use. =P

I wish class was cancelled and I had a 12 pack of Sam Adams next to me.

Granted. You don’t have a bottle opener.

I wish I wasn’t writing a BASIC OIU in notepad.

granted, but now your application must be XP compliant.

i wish work would have sent me for more labview training.

Granted, but LABVIEW sucks, so instead they stick you with LEGO Mindstorms hahaha

I wish my fender strat didnt need new pickups.

granted, but you now prefer guitar hero.

i wish i had lego mindstorms