Today I work for free

ya know, come to think of it, you did drive my DSM a couple times and it ended up breaking. Buy me a new DSM asshole or I’m going to sue you. You dont have to be a dick to him, but kindly explain to him that YOU ARE NOT THE ONE THAT BROKE HIS CAR. It was fucked up when he brought it in, and in the course of trying to diagnose the problem, what was previously fucked up, fucked up more. It would have happened whether he was driving it or you were driving it. Quote him a number higher than you normally would, then take off a bunch to get it where you normally would have bid, so it looks like you feel bad for him and are trying to give him a break. If he doesnt like any of that, tell him that you’re sorry you can’t help him and recommend another shop or whatever, but that you should not, and will not pay to fix something you didnt break.