Today I work for free

ya know, come to think of it, you did drive my DSM a couple times and it ended up breaking. Buy me a new DSM asshole or I’m going to sue you. You dont have to be a dick to him, but kindly explain to him that YOU ARE NOT THE ONE THAT BROKE HIS CAR. It was fucked up when he brought it in, and in the course of trying to diagnose the problem, what was previously fucked up, fucked up more. It would have happened whether he was driving it or you were driving it. Quote him a number higher than you normally would, then take off a bunch to get it where you normally would have bid, so it looks like you feel bad for him and are trying to give him a break. If he doesnt like any of that, tell him that you’re sorry you can’t help him and recommend another shop or whatever, but that you should not, and will not pay to fix something you didnt break.

…i wont forget, me and nummy in the maroon on maroon 1g, 140mph past the shop at 26psi… blew an intercooler pipe off, limped it back and thought for sure i blew it up! im pretty sure whitey was like… wtf this kid is wack… :rofl: :angel:

you’re forgetting the best part of that story… the pretty much flat rear tire… :kekegay:

I WAS gonna stay away from this one, but i think you need to explain the situation, show him the pics, and tell him to take those pics anywhere he wants to ask if the car broke due to the improper construction of the motor, or if it broke due to test driving it.

People try to pull alot of shit. I have people drop off blown stereo equipment to be installed, all the time. But before i begin working with the products i explain they have to pay up front for the installs, and sign this piece of paper relieving me of any liability, or responsibility in the event the product they are supplying does not function… you should see how many people go from, “I know it works” “I heard it play before i bought it” to, “can you test it before you install it, cause, im not real sure it works??”

Its the old scam, blame somebody else for breaking it, then get them to replace or repair it. its bullshit

I forgot about the flat tire!!!

I do need to come up with a repair waiver for this kinda thing. I have my dealership as-is stuff faily locked down, but was too humble to realize stuff like this inevitabely happens.

I talked to the kid on teh phone actually just a few minutes ago. I explained it to him and told him i want him to come down and see what happened. He never said anything about money… which makes me think he is still on his free ride. He also asked if the vavles were definitly bent (omg they are), and I said I’d have to put a belt on it to find out, but didnt want to touch it more until he saw it. That point will be were i break it too him that jtech is not a corner whore that you can beat up and jip on paying…

id warm up the Louisville slugger , (do people still use those?) :dunno:
ehh either way, id make sure he pays for the diagnostic tear down, being that its not your fault, i dont know about you, but my shop rate is $65/hr standard/diag.

Unless you have a partners you need to split up ownership of the business with, the LLC will be much simpler at tax time.

0No offense, but that is why you dont work on everything that comes in the door. i have been fucked numerous times on side work w/ vw’s to where i really dont do any sidework on them unless it is someone i know. i cant let a car go unless my work is reflected the best it can be. so say im putting a tranny in, but the car idles like shit–im still trying to fix the idle. you take a beating on labor, but gain trust/re[utation in the long run.

so, you take a beat on labor–well, make your base labor rate higher to begin w/. labor should pay for labor. markup on parts and outside services should eb paying the bills.

did you go over the car before the belt broke, an inital inspection on a rack? any talk w/ the customer to see what all was diagnoised, etc etc. belt to shear teeth, it must had been pretty damn tight almost supercharger like… no whine???

Its not like im affraid of it or unfamiliure with the car. I dont turn down much, but i have more of a “i’ll help you out” mentality… i cant help it. Like you say, i’ll tinker with other stuff if i can make a quick fix on something I know to help the customer relation out. Other times, maybe its not possible. I’ve been completely on my own for 2 years now, but wrenchin for 10, so i’ve still seen some stuff go down.

I did go over the car and had the talk with him about symptoms. It was at a chrysler dealer for 3 weeks or so and they couldnt figure it out. I would have done the same thing, but literally didnt have time it broke so fast.

Goodluck gearhead. Personally, I understand that you need to take some customers cars for a ride to inspect them. I would get a waiver and have each customer sign it stating your not held responsible for any damage that can happen to their car.

It is a fine line… you are required to take a test drive for state inspection, so i guess if you are driving POS cars, then you should be prepared with a sign off.

Definitely lesson learned.

Next time make the kid drive if you dont have a waiver to sign, thats if its not related to an inspection. At least they cant leave you at fault if it breaks and their taking you for a ride. :embarassd

good luck man.

also don’t downplay the possibility that this kid is making most of this shit up and knew the thing was about to go and is trying to screw you.


taking into account what you said in your last post to me, kid sounds beat. no judge in his right mind will side w/ the kid when he hears that the car has been in and out of other shops for the same problem.

so tell him you will do the overhaul at a discounted rate— i.e. book says 10 hours to swap engines, you know you can do it in 8, so adjust your hourly rate to give those 2 hours for free. give the appearance that you are working for free, but in reality–you are still getting paid for the labor you actually have in the car, you just are not making money on the time that you got the job done sooner than than the book.

He’s right, Real dsm owners work on their own cars.

this kid does sound like your typical dsm owner. stupid kid tries to work on his own car, screws it up and is now trying to get someone else to fix it but cant explain what he did in the first place.

tell the kid to flush off if he wants to be a dick about it.

Huh? You must know diffrent people than I do, that doesent really sound like any of the dsm owners on this forum.
It does sound like a typical stupid kid tries to work on his own car, screws it up and is now too proud to admit that his own work was the cause of what happened.

What I’d do is anytime someone brings a car in, have a form where they put down the make, model, vin, all that jazz and then have the waiver on that same paper.

The State Attorney General’s office is very helpful in situations like this. If you give them a call and ask how to do a waiver for your specific business, they will be more than happy to help