Make a Wish Abuse!!!

F*ck this kid. I wish theyd just pull the plug.

um, please dont tell me youre taking the onion srsly?



Would this be an appropriate time to absolutely destroy a noob Fry?? If not now then I don’t know when.


haha, that made me watch the racist porn star video again. “I’ve done hundreds of videos and i’d never been called anything worse than a big black fuck ox”

This has got to be the worst fucking thread started all week.

You sir must be new to the internets… Even Al Gore wouldn’t quote Hell, ctnewman can’t post an onion link with a straightface… and yet you come in here all high & mighty and start judging fictional people on fictional actions taken against a literally corrupted “goodwill” program?

I hope Chuck Norris pays a visit to you in your next wet dream… he will turn all of those sperm against you.

Ever seen an army of sperm attack a grown man? May god have mercy on your internet soul.


remember guys…

I know its fake. It is just funny cause everyone has always dreamed of having unlimited wishes.


Did he flame any of you, no.

he wished away are legal team

Oh come on now. It doesn’t matter that he was a newb. He posted this in a serious way. If you posted it that way you would get the same reaction too.

Okay, I’ll provide some constructive criticism then.

you haven’t posted enough for people to readily recognize your sarcasm… therefore you look like an idiot because you believed an article on the onion.

if this was actually true you would ban that douchbag newman every day cuz his skinny tattoo covered pussy ass has something gay to say to every1

that is all

what a little bitch

let the rules bend sometime! get that stick out of your ass and let us have some fun

i would of wished to fuck that news anchor

“55 medevil wall mounted weapons” HAHA

now u did ask for it now