Does customs ever make up false claims???

Newman Ive only met you once but if I were judging you based upon looks Id say you were a pot smoking hippie so Im sure they saw the same lol :rofl:

is there such a thing?


Dont know what hash is???
You never made hash brownies man, you youngins dont know what ur missing.
Hash was a big thing back in the mid 80’s

i think newman is leading us on, how can someone not know what hash is.

i just thought it was another word for weed.

mid 80s? I was 4 :frowning:

everyone in america has seen eurotrip- hash brownies

Classic. :tup:

hash is similar to weed.

biggest difference is that it comes in a solid brick/sheet about the size of a credit card. You have to heat it up with a lighter and then it gets soft enough to crumple. Even tiny crumples of it is enough to get you super high. Some friends of mine in college brought it back from amsterdam in their wallet and just a small corner of it sprinkled on a blunt got me INSANELY high for almost 4 hours.

So yeah, even tiny crumples of hash is considered a significant amount.

u can make it with any weed, so simple its not even funny.

ummm ouch. careful my old heart cant take the shock of statements like this.

maybe they saw your 2003 inspection sticker and figured you were on some sorta drugs.:smiley:

You are allowed to cross ??? What the hell is this country coming to?? lol

yeah no doubt you can. Just saying that it is must more concentrated than weed.

How quickly they forget…

how does that nexus pass work?

Do you even talk to customs, or just drive right over the border?

its profiling, yes they can do this for drugs.
If you didnt look like an emo hippy with a face full of staples, they wouldn’t bother you.

I remember when they detained Violator (because he wasnt born in the US) when him, Dr.Dos, and myself went to canada a few years back. It was kinda funny.

Yea, been over a few times in the past 6-8 months. Not even a second look.

I’m 25

It’s more Canada allowing me in than the US allowing me back though being the impressive part.

It’s been almost 6 years now…

you may be 25 but chances are you dont drive a tricked out whip. Dont you drive a white S40? typical avg male car, no profiling happening there.