Cops saying you smoke weed?

So is it the new thing for cops to insist you smoke weed and the car smells like weed even though it doesn’t.

not new.


You do smoke weed, and your car does smell like it.


Pics and Vids don’t lie.

Maybe he was saying you’ve got to be high as a mother fucker to drive this piece of shit around?


Yeah I dunno, I don’t use drugs so I don’t worry about it that much.
If you don’t have anything to hide your all set.

and all this time i thought it was my weed leaf air freshener alerted the po-po

Yea have heard this before…

omg, that made me LOL so bad

meh, i’ve been pulled over before and he insisted that I was doing haroine.

He asked to search my car, but I had to say no becaue I had like $500 worth of fire works in the trunk.
PS. i’ve never touched that shit in my life.

They do it to scare you into the truth.

Holy cripes.

i guess saying they smell weed is the easiest way to search your car on suspicion… IDK if that actually works, I’ve never been searched or pulled over for that matter lol

And you bitch about a girl spelling blonde ‘blond.’

FYI: People that smoke weed are so use to the smell that they no longer smell the after-linger. Ex-pot smokers can pick it right up


Hey… :eyebrow: You guys smell what I smell?

more the fact that she used it to describe the color of her car.

i added one letter on accident. srryyy

A little over a year ago, i got into an accident on my way to school at 8:30am, one of the first interrogation questions he asked me was if i was drunk…

it’s funny not because he thought i was drunk at 8:30 in the morning, but because believe it or not, i don’t drink…cops will automatically assume you do something if you fit their profile. under 23, even if you were doing everything legal, you were still doing something wrong in their eyes.

I really hope you are joking.