I was violated last night...

On our way home last night, Goob (Atreyu) and I got pulled over for my windows being dark while driving through homewood on our way home from walmart. We got pulled over by some cop in a lumina with street clothes on. within a minute there were 3 cops there. He asked for my license and registration. He then started shining the flashlight inside the car asking if we were on drugs and where we were coming from. I told him we were coming from walmart. But before I knew it I had my hands on the roof of the car being searched by one cop. Next thing I know goob and I have our hands on the trunk and got severely search by other cops. They definitly grabbed my balls a couple times. The one dude pretty much searched my whole inside of my car. Then he tried to get into the glove box. The handle was broke off and he was all suspicious. I told him there was only a cassette in there. He couldn’t get it open so I opened it for him. He said, “Oh man you got nothing in there.” Then the dude let us go. This is a prime example why I HATE cops!
I felt like I was getting the beatdown :spank: for no reason!

I bet Goob liked it…

that sucks…

do you happen to drive an g-body?

Its asshole cops like that make it hard for normal peope to have nice things.


You would have to ask him that. But when we got home he did go straight to his room and locked the door and turned the music up loud

I drive a 94 camaro. Its only a 6 but I have tinted windows and a body kit. Thats it. I know if they pulled my parents over in that car it would have been a different story…

man that sucks. I don’t have anything against cops in general, just the ones that use situations like this to feel like big men, when they really have teeny little d!cks. :ugh:

life is rough in the ghetto :booty:

Are you sure they weren’t Catholic priests playing dress-up?


i have problem with cops that are real assholes. there are some cool cops and then there are the asshole cops…to many power hungry asshole cops…

I have been pulled over a bunch of times and never have been searched or anything like your story. The only people that get this kind of treatment from cops are people that deserve it or are assholes to the cop when he pulls you over. If you act respectful, you will not have a problem. my $.02

My cousin gets pulled over and fucked with all the time and it’s because he acts like a fucking moron when he gets pulled over. Try watching “How not to get your ass beat” by Chris Rock and put that into memory somewhere.



No there are some real asshole cops out there that are on a power trip and then there are some cool cops and the car looked suspicios (sp) so they have probable cause to search your car is bullshit too

No, in fact I did not enjoy it. I think the only reason they searched us was because we were driving through the getto at 11pm on a sunday, which is not a typical place for 2 white kids to be hanging out at that time.

I keep a baggie of powdered sugar in my glove box just to fuck with the police.


Sounds like a domestic rice patrol sting operation.

Seriously though, that must of sucked. Did either of you smartass the cops to instigate them at all?

I don’t know what you kids do to get pulled over and searched… I’ve been pulled over half a million times and NEVER have had to step out of my car. Let alone be searched for illegal drugs…

PS: You kids means anyone who has been taken out of the car, searched, and/or arrested.


You are also a woman… 1000000000000X more likely to file sexual harassment charges if you are taken out of the car and patted down…

cops still drive luminas?