Don't I have the best luck with cops...(story)

I’m coming home tonight from school/my g/fs house. It’s about 12:45am, the 219 is deserted. I had my v1 turned down so I didn’t notice it go off. I’m about 200 feet from my exit when I see the v1 on full alert, I look down and i’m doing 75. I brake to 65 and I see the cop pull in the median so I pull over.
Two officers walk up Officer Tim Roof and Officer Paul Rielly. Officer Reilly pulled me over a month ago for 60 in a 45. I pleaded not-guilty and my court date is march 3rd.
I was at school so I didn’t have my wallet on me, he asked my name I replied. He said it out loud and the other officer walks over, and goes " i see you put your front plate on"
Next thing I know “get the fuck out of the car”
I’m yanked out of the open door. and throw on my hood and searched.Reilly goes “so you think i fucking lied about your speed huh, we’ll show you” He asks me all sorts of questions and immediatly questions about my tint. It’s 20%. He asks me why I was pulled over, I replied I was speeding 10 over. I ask if I can put my hands in my pocket because the car is cold (keep in mind it’s 5* out)
He says yes and begins searching my car, glove box,center consel ect. I ask him to please stop looking through my car and as soon as I finished I was throw head first against the hood of my car
The 2nd officer yells for me take my hands out of my pockets, I said that the 1st officer said i could put them in my pockets. he then says " oh, well you were in traffic" (ya at 1 in the morning)
He takes my credit card for proof of my name and the make me wait 15 mins while they type out my tickets.
He returns with 80 in a 65 ( i asked him to show me and he said “fuck no” and he doesn’t have to show me shit)
and a tint ticket and he said if I don’t rip the tints off by tomorrow he will have me placed in jail for “failure to comply”
I asked the officer if he wrote my credit card number down and I would hope he didn’t so he doesn’t steal my info. I had to make one smart remark before the night was over.

All in all, some cops are douchebags,like these two, who had nothing better to do that hassle some college student.

PS: is that illegal that the cop searched my car without a warrent?

yup, i had a similar run-in with some Cheektowaga oinkers:

fucking lame how they do that sometimes…

pulling you out of the car was completely unnecessary…it was a speeding ticket, you pulled over right away…i see no justification for them acting that way.

had you resisted or taken a while to pull over then they may have asked you to step out…nothing gave them reason to “yank you out” of the car…

these are just 2 of the few cops that really ruin the reputation of cops everywhere…

it just sucks to know that there is nothing you can do to get retaliation.
(well there is,it just involved jail time)

What Town were these douchbags from?
It is illegal unless they decide to call it “Probable Cause”

From now on EVERYONE post up the Names of These Assholes

yeah but “probably cause” is pretty much up to the cop isn’t it? they can say whatever they want, “oh the suspect was acting skiddish, so we thought he had a gun” etc…cops can get away with anything they want it seems in situations like this…


Both state troopers,both have sand in and around their vaginas and both are from Orchard park I think(that is were the court date is) But I was in Boston when I was pulled over.

I guess cops don’t like when you plead not-guilty. as I could see when he slammed my face into the hood.

I fucking hate having shitty lucky with cops. I mean it’s fucking 1 in the morning who gives a shit if I was doing 10 over on a highway.
they musta been bored.

ya it’s bullshit, it’s their word against mine.

He had a pretty good excuse to search my car, it was:
“I can do what ever the fuck I want”

EDIT: those cock fucks wrote in my supporting deposition that I admitted to speeding, they wrote “I was only going 80 in a 65”. I never said that shit at all.
fuck them, I hope they get shot by some gang members

Shitty. Worst part is it seems like you travel that way often, and fighting it will probably only get you more shit from these assholes.

i’m curious…IF somebody were to pursue something like this in court, for police brutality or whatever you wanna call it…would the video from the camera on the police car be usable as evidence? i know all cars have the video now…but do you have the right to ask to see said video in court?

if not, it clearly is your word vs the cops, and there’s NOTHING keeping cops from doing whatever the fuck they want…

It’s fucking retarded, as soon as the cops said my name Rielly recongnized me, being pissed that I plead not guilty he decided to “teach me a lesson”
I actually was kinda scared, I thought they were going to beat the shit out of me

Funny, almost every time i’ve gotten a ticket the cop has told me to just send it in not guilty to get a reduction. I didn’t think they really cared about that shit.

yeah they expect people to plead not guilty and often tell you to. i wonder what the fuck he was talking about?

that sucks… i got pulled over 2 nights ago… I always get let go… :meh:

I dont know how you have such bad luck…

1800 joes dad

thats because your a Mommas Boy :hay:

w/e the reason… im 18-0 for my last 18 stops…

and now I can’t sleep, I have class in the AM but I am too angry to fall asleep.

Fucking piggies on their power trips. I hope a druggy stabs them with a HIV infected needle

PS: is that illegal that the cop searched my car without a warrent?

Watch never get busted again, they can perform a weapons pat down but cannot search your car without consent.
The tint thing is bullshit, call a lawyer, technically he cant issue a tint ticket without metering it.
go somewhere and have it metered, it will get tossed out.
For the speed, get a lawyer it will probably get reduced.
That totally sucks, gives cop’s a bad name.

The cop had NO RIGHT to search through my car, Before he entered my car I told him “please do not seach my car”
I had a bunch of school books in my front seat, he looked through them ( making my page marker fall out of one book) he also looked through my glovebox and center console after I told him twice not to search my car. I have no idea what he was looking for, I never tried to run, I show respect and I was calm the entire time. I had nothing illegal in my car at all. All he did was mess up my school books.
They also did NOT check my tint with a meter. Now, the law is 70% and mine are I think 30% upfront, (they are not that dark)
Granted, they are still illegal, but I think it can hold up in court seeing as how they never checked it, and it being night I doubt they can tell.
I have a lawyer, so the 15 over on a thruway shouldn’t be more than 50$
I just don’t want to remove my tints, It makes the car!