I was violated last night...

Thats what I said, it was forest green also. I thought white and burgandy were the typical undercover car colors.

But even still, if I was suspicious enough, I’m sure they wouldn’t hesistate to call a woman cop over.

did they ask to search your car? cause technically there not allowed to search your car without your consent or a search warrant and since they cant just write there own search warrants they would have to impound your car under resonable suspicion until the warrant was produced. so unless you agreed for them to search your car all they could really do is look through the windows to see if there was anything they could arrest you for. I think its call the Plain View rule or something like that i had to take a couple ciminology classes so i tried to stay awake for some stuff lol

I am usually a smartass. But, you could ask Brian. I was being 100% cooperative. This is like the 10th+ time I’ve been pulled over and maybe 5th time ive been searched. He asked if he could search and i said yes because i knew i didnt have anything. but then they went off the deep end. Thats why i think he let me go without writing me a ticket for the tint. Because he overused his power. and I was surprised it was a green lumina.
I mean I drive a maroon camaro with tint and a body kit…
I’ve honestly been pulled over (before i got my tint) for doing absolutely nothing wrong.
The first time i got pulled over It was raining and I wasn’t speeding at all. I was like what did I do? he said “you gettin smart with me”…
before you know it he wrote me a ticket for “Going to fast for conditions”.
When i went to fight it the judge didnt even let me get a word in before calling me guilty and saying I could appeal at the county courthouse. This would have cost me more money. So I paid the original fine…
In conclusion I still hate you stereotypical cops!!!

Wow. I’ve only been pulled over 3 times and I’m 34! Only time I was ever searched was before going into a Slayer concert. :slight_smile:


Been there done that. I had the same thing happen to me over in mt lebanon before. I was coming home from south hills village and got pulled over right by the mt lebo police station. Of course it was for tint but they took it to another level asking me where i was going and this and that. Next thing i know there are 3 other cop cars behind and a freaking cop with a dog sniffing around my car. They asked if they could search it and i said yea cause i had nothing to hide and i dont do drugs or anything. The cop was like you dont look like your from around here (lol i am black) and i was like whats that supp to mean?? Hes like well i see most of the custom cars around here and i’ve never seen yours before. At this point i’m like wtf?? So roughly 40minutes later the cop hands me my license back and said thank you for your cooperation and have a goodnight. Now that was totally uncalled for. :mad:

Constitutional rights subverted again, in the name of “Security”. :ugh:


ouch that sucks to get searched. at least they didn’t give you a ticket

if you fit the part expected to get treated that way. Its happend to me before and i don’t fault the cops. Sure its a huge inconvience but i look at the big picture, eventually they are gonna catch some scum and get them off the street. I got pulled over in my tinted out 88 cutty in carick one time with my best friend who is black and we both had on skull caps. I know i looked suspicious as hell. certain parts of the city cops have to be proactive. so they wasted a few minutes of your time and got a free grab on your nuts, deal with it.

profile > you.

White guy + korean car + clear windows = going anywhere i want, albeit not very quickly…

I could probably do a drive-by on Federal St, and when the witnesses tell the cops, the cops would say, “…in that car?” and walk away.

local cops are security guards who ‘knew someone’. fuck’mndabutt

I never looked at it that way. Maybe thats because I like girls though?

i forgot the word “they” in there, i didn’t mean it like that.

Its cool I understand.
Ask Brian, I think they did enjoy it those sick people.
They are proboly #2 only to priest on the sexual harrasment list.

What were you doing driving through homewood after dark anyways?


yep you suspect

if you FTP the TPFU


if you file transfer protocol the transfer protocol files you?