Devin 1....other guy 0

Well as i was coming out of margarita mamas last night traffic was horrible in the parking lot to get out. I had this guy in front of me with mommys z71 tahoe holding up traffic n macking on these bitches so i decide to yell out thw window to him to tell him to fucking move,so i ell at him n he goes,not even 2 seconds later he get,s in to it with these two dudes n jumos out of his truck,him n his friend. So they go at it with words n this cop came up to break it n being the guy i am i told him off n he was motherfucking me n pushing my patience,so he gets back in and decides to spit on my car and throw something at it,well i let it go cause of the cops that were around and wouldn,t you know it i get behind him as we were leaving the gate and he decides to break check me all through out station square,sp we get up to the light n he is motherfucking me up and down n jumps out his truck n jumps in my widow swinging n yelling to me that he,s gonnna steal my car,so i jump out of my car n run around to the other side n he jumps out of my window and swings at me,i ducked a blasted him in the face n knocked him One punch one down,so all i hear is ooooooooooo fuck from other people n his friend jumps out meanwhile the other one is unconciuos,well he looks at his boy n says he has no prob with me,so the cops came n they saw it all n told me i wasn,t in the wrong for what i did n to just leave. Well by this time he is waking up stands up and falls agian into my car,so i cleaned off my car today,all the blood and shit was on the hood…dude got knocked the fuck out :blue: Man it felt great to fucking nail him!


that was you!!! hahaha, thats awesome I saw all the cops last night

that place was crazy



wow glad to see your engrish is working this morning

mammarita momma’s can eat shit and lick taint

when we were walking to matrix like 10 dudes passed us and it looked like the line to club zoo…

fuckin weak!

sweet some people don’t know how to control themselves when there drunk and those are the people that usually get knocked the fuck out

similar thing happened to my buddy on st patty’s parade day… he layed some dude out

dam,good one devin!

Yup taht was me whitey :boink My fucking knuckle is so swollen today,LOL :bash:


tru that, i hate the way that place is laid out… and it seems like its just filled with wannabe gangstas… when we were there at st pattys there were so many fights. to much toughness there for me. I will fight if someone comes after me, thats it.

hahhahah sweet!!!

Thats all anywhere seems anymore… Everyone wants to get into fights and jump down people’s throats and act all hard all the time… I just don’t get shit anymore. Everything down there seems like its a fuckin pissing contest.

Sleeper - Good job man… You had alot of patience and smarts to not go after him after he spit on your ride and came out of his car after you. Glad you handed him his ass :bigthumb:

So does anyone know the dumb bitches that flipped their car and caused all the fawking traffic?!?!? what a pain in the ass, stupid shits

haha, I was sitting in traffic and some dudes like…nice car…and I started laughing, yea with 4x4 suspension and 15’s winter mode nucca, I’ll steal yo bitches and your little dog too :boink

:boink :boink :bash:

you shoulda curbstomped the mother fucker once he was down and out. Rid the world of one more worthless piece of shit. Good job!