Drunken Road Rage < Me

Friday evening after getting out of work, I’m driving down Millersport highway and merge into the left lane because the right lane is ending. A guy behind me in some faded blue POS lays on his horn and continues to make foul gestures at me while he was behind me at the next red light.

No Big Deal. I laughed it off. I guess using your blinker and merging into his lane justifies alot more than just a blip on his horn. Oh well.

After the light I notice him starting to follow me, not only 1 turn, not 2 turns, but all the way to my street, tailgating, swirving, what not. Thats fine, I decide to let him by. Incidentally, we live in the same development. He shoots in front of me, pulls into his driveway. I drive by, he pulls out of the driveway and this time he’s coming up fast and right on my ass. FANTASTIC…so I decided to have a little fun with this prick.

I turn my music off, drop a gear, and really got on it.
After two turns and him bouncing off a curb I stopped because he was 100 yards back and trailing, rolled down my window to see what his problem was. Guy pulls up, mid 30’s, beligerant, and says “You little fucking punk, get out of your fucking car if you’ve got so much balls. I’m fucking calling the cops!” LOL. I laughed and told him to. He turned around and left, in which case I followed him back to his house. He gets out of the car and comes storming up to my window. I start to get out and ask him if he called the cops. He yells “You get out and I’ll have to put you down!” Thats gay and I got pissed. I got out and told him to hit me, he walked away. I guess he didn’t call the cops :roll2: so I told him I’d call them for him, since this guy reeked of alcohol. It’s fucking 5 PM and this fucktard is drunk already!

Amherst police takes their sweet old time getting there. At one point, the guy reaches into his car, at which point I thought I heard him loading shells into a shotgun (It really sounded like it) and after taking a few steps back, I saw that he was cleaning beer cans out into a bag :lol: About 20 minutes later, in which time he threatened me 3 or 4 more times to “get the fuck out of here” and moped around in his garage, a nice female officer arrives at the scene. After taking my story, she goes into his garage, and within 2 minutes, gives him a DUI :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:. I almost fell down laughing at the guy storming into his house and slamming the door.

Question: I decided to milk this a little more. I told the officer that during the chase (which he actually admitted to) I may have damaged my car. She asked in what aspect? I said my alignment may be a bit off as a result, because I was planning on getting an alignment anyways :slight_smile: She told me that if thats the case, to report it and bring the receipt. I’m not really sure what exactly to do. Anyone have experience with this?

Cliffs: Asshat chases me, threatened me multiple times, bluffed to call the cops so I called them for him, he gets DUI and I might get a free alignment?

this story is funny and sad.

go get an alignment, and some new wheels/tires

o man thats great! hopefully u get a free allingment out of this

Haha, sweet :tup:

:tup: haha thats awsome.

:tup:,finally you caught the bastard and justice is served.

should purposely have curbed your wheels too, get a spare set for the summer and can keep the ones you fuck up for winter

lol very nice :tup: thats fuckin awesome

good read :slight_smile:

I called APD, awaiting the officer that handled the situation to call me back

hah this is awesome…lukcy that u didnt have anywhere to be that u could take ur time to follow him around

shit son, thats messed up. At least its good he got hauled in for dui. Oh yeah, if youre gonna milk somthing like this, dont ever discuss it on a local internet forum…

haha nice…stupid drunks :lol:
serves that guy right.