Anyone ever sue a city before?

What was the outcome? any suggestions? What attorney did you use?

And no, this has NOTHING to do with the cop “just doing his job” so don’t all blow up on me for that pleaasee I need some advice here from anyone that has been through anything like this before.

what did you lose other than time?

If I just sat back and didn’t go after this cop, and pretended all his bullshit hes been spitting is true, i’d probably do 1yr in jail.

oh and $1,500 to get me out of jail for a fucking WEED VIOLATION. Little overkill, eh?

So are you suing, pressing charges, or defending yourself?

first court date will be more of a defense with a nice, lengthy presentation to the ADA in reguards to the 10+ ways their lieutenant broke the law. We’re hoping after hearing about their own officers blatant stupidity and complete disregard of my constitutional rights and NYS law, they opt to end this quite peacefully, and favorably. If not i’ll throw it up on channel 4 that might get their attention.

check out this thread for helpful info:

i have a feeling that you just don’t know what a cop can do. just hit the bong and forget your troubles, man!

“reguards”? Jesus I hope you have a lawyer and aren’t trying to tackle this on your own.

Do you have a lawyer?

absolutely, Jim Faso is my attorney but I would be willing to pick up a 2nd attorney thats more familiar with this kind of thing… my lawyers more of a defense kinda guy.

Request Name Change:

ineedacar is now ineedalawyer

Aren’t you the defendent?

Step one, let your defense attorney get the charges dropped. Assuming that goes well and you indeed got off because of officer misconduct, then look into an attorney to sue for the civil rights violations.

lol no Faso will eat the case… drug charges will disappear without a doubt, they always do.

Bring lots of jelly. It sucks when you run out of jelly.

this is what i was thinking originally, but the cop went all the way and lied on the WHOLE fucking statement he wrote, literally quoting me on things I did not say ONCE throughout the whole night… and obviously, the lies werent aimed towards making me look good. If the judge takes the line of bullshit this guy said seriously, questioning his credibility in the situation may be the only way. I have witnesses

Better hope the city doesn’t bring the peanut butter because they are going to eat you alive!!!

um, no. you dont even know what happened. this guy could lose his job, have to pay me money, and possibly get imprisoned for the bullshit he pulled. I was just asking if anyone has been thru this and has an atty with the balls to pull it off.

If you get off let it go, your lawyer will tell you the same. You won’t win because he is a police officer and the fact that you had weed on you instantly brings your argument to nothing.

Thats the plan. But like I said, all illegalities of the traffic stop aside, he lied in the statement pretty much making me sound happy i got caught and dont give a fuck and was being a smart ass about it. If this stuff comes up to bite me in the ass, I will be considering taking action against them to counter it, which would prove the invalidity of the stop/statements/arrest in the first place.

Just make sure you act like a good citizen. When i was in court i i started getting pissed at my arresting officer and the judge seen my temper so right away i looked guilty.

So just be calm and quite.