Anyone ever sue a city before?

I guess nws for language

Your Honor, we find the defendant guilty of poor grammar and spelling.

yes thanx, because we all have time to proof read our work.

it was 2 sentence fragments. i think you can spare the 10 seconds.

your time isn’t worth that much, and you aren’t that important… or you wouldn’t be on this forum.

:clap: X 875043

I am very important thats why im on this forum.

Hope you will enjoy being “blacklisted”, i’m not going to mention what town this happened in but. I’m the cause of previous officers losing their job, needless to say anytime I ever entered that town I would get pulled over and end up with a ticket whether or not I was actually doing anything wrong.

In my case it kept me out of jail so it was worth it, in yours you we’re probably high. If suspect your high then yes they have a reason to search you. YOU we’re in the wrong here, leave the cop alone for doing his job.

In Kenmore i had charges dropped because my house was illegally searched. I also was looking at it the same way you were but after it was dropped i just let it go. Karma can handle the rest.

how much weed?

if you do sue…everytime u get pulled over you will be known as that guy who sued and they will not have mercy on you at all


Did you have something illegal in your car?

If yes

They will find a way to prove the officer right for searching you and your car…and you are going to get laughed at.

should’nt have had dope on you in the first place…it’s illegal and you probably lied about having it on you in the first place

Clearly the cop was barking up the wrong tree :cjerk: Go smoke another one cheech…

Guessing the cops instinct was right about someting… (not knowing the details of the situation).

Did smoke weed in the clothes you were in before he pulled you over?? Did your friends?? He doesn’t have to ask if he can A) see paraphernalia in plain view or B) smell in on you or anyone in the vehicle.

I didn’t read most of this so assuming neither of those are the case.

where’s the poll so we can vote on who get’s “proper fucked” in this trial.

plus you got caught with weed man. credibility goes out the window


This thread…

As well as the witnesses if they were in the same vehicle as you.