Anyone ever sue a city before?

my car got illegally searched… I had nothing on me…i did not look suspicious…I was only speeding.
He looked through my entire car even when I said not to. All he did was mess up my school books.
I plan on telling the judge this…but I don’t expect anything to happen

Just met with my lawyer, and we have a serious case against this officer if he decides to not let this go.

Im not going to tell details, because im sure there are cops on here.

I was NOT high, nor had I smoked ANYTIME throughout the day, nor drank, nor ingested anything that can be considered illegal, my car did NOT smell like weed, he never even mentioned weed until he found a minuscule amount of shake on the floor while performing his illegal search.

His excuse to get me OUT of my car was that he claimed my eyes looked a little “glassy”, and thought i was drinking. After refusing several times to get out of the car because I knew it was bullshit, he took me out. DIDNT breathalize me or ANYTHING for that matter, and was actually going to release me with an appearence ticket after only finding a small bit of shake on my backseat floor, without any testing of me being drunk (which was his whole serious problem with me in the first place.)

I wish I could explain exactly all the circumstances but I dont want to jeopardize our case.

you’re so wrong here its not even funny. My attorney even told me, this cop could potentially be in DEEP shit if I made a huge fuss out of this.

oh, and my witnesses in the vehicle were released with nothing because I said the pot was mine, and they werent high or under the influence nor had anything on them either. So their credibility is far from trashed.

not that you don’t have a case… but if you are asked to get out of the car I thought you had too… obviously not complying will totally piss the cop off.

Agreed and how does “having shake on the floor” turn into a
weed violation? Were you charged with possesion?


you have the right to say No. and if you do get out, and close your door behind you, the cop has no rite to search the vehicle UNLESS:

  1. you are obviously under the influence of something, which he determined I was not before attempting to search
  2. something illegal is in plain view as someone stated before
  3. there is a scent of alcohol/illegal drugs in the vehicle

none of which happened.

cops have to have resonable cause to make you get out of the car, they just cant ask you to get out for no reason, same with searching.

the lawyer is telling you what you want to hear so you give him money. oh btw dont be so wreckless with your weed tard. make sure ALL of the shake is in the bag

yes, ANY amount of marijuana found is considered illegal. Even if it is a seed or a stem, if they can prove it has THC in on or around it, its illegal.



what the fuck is shake?

how do you know he didn’t see it?

most cops dont care about a little shake tho, he must of been on some power trip or something

lol? not even close man. im not using some random lawyer, hes my lawyer for everything. he knows what the fuck hes talking about, as do I in this case. the cop was very, very wrong, so much its kinda scary he was willing to put his ass on the line, not knowing whether or not I have any prior knowledge of constitutional rights during a traffic stop.

alrite listen I wouldnt have posted this on here if I didnt know I was right. There is MUCH MUCH more to this story which once again IM NOT SAYING ANYTHING ABOUT. So for the fucking retards in here talking shit, go to hell, you have no idea what your talking about, telling me this is SO FUNNY OMG to you is only making you look like a fucking idiot, because at this point, no one on here knows any more than about 15% of the whole story. nice though.

and this is the kind of advice im looking for, thank you jays.

What you don’t seem to understand is…

If it was a traffic stop and you got caught with weed…all he has to do is say “he thought he smelled weed”

Then he happened to find that or whatever else in a search…you will still be fucked and have no defense.

If you broke the law in any way they will treat you like a criminal and you will lose credibility defending your self in front of a court.

then, dumb ass why did you post on here and not tell the whole story? if you arent willing to tell the whole story then you did something wrong. the cop must of had reason to drag your punk ass out of the car.



will somebody please confirm this as true/false?

I thought if a cop told you to get out of the car you were required to do so.