Anyone ever sue a city before?

yep your right… but he didnt, and never mentioned anything about it in his statement. statement says he pulled me over, asked me to step out, and then ASKED ME TO SEARCH the vehicle and I said “yes you can!”

when several witnesses, including this cops partner, heard me say “No, I do NOT consent to a search of the vehicle because you have not given me (or anyone) a reason for you to do so”.


wow tough guy. because I was asking if anyone had any experience with a lawsuit against a city, an illegal search and seizure, and also any suggested attorney I should look into bringing on if I decide to go that route.

maybe if you could read you would have gotten that. Thread title says “anyone sue a city before” not “omg listen to this half assed story”

fucking idiot.

anyone ever sue four twenty before?

So clearly, your word is going to do wonders when he says “I had suspicion they were under the influence, asked them to get out, and they refused. After searching the vehicle I did find evidence of weed possession”.

Let me know how that works out for you there smart guy…

Because your story fucking sucks?

wow. Suggest lawyers names, tell me about your experience in a lawsuit with a city, or shut up?

the story doesnt suck but i’m not telling the whole thing until this is taken care of.

his suspicion was alcohol, which he never even followed up on, AND found out why my eyes were apparently “glassy” which had nothing to do with drugs whatsoever. and I had my prescription on me for this.

soo why you guys keep posting “OMG THIS IS WHY YOURE WRONG” is pretty stupid, and a waste of your time, because it doesnt matter. and i’m right.

Why don’t you shut up you worthless little drag on the legal system.



(Quoted Four Twenty)

If you smoke weed on a treadmill will you get high?

well, im sorry to hear that if a police officer illegal found something on you, you would be like OMG officer im sorry! you’re right now and im going to disreguard your illegal actions, because I had weed!


  1. you would never, EVER say this to me in person.
  2. i’m right in this case, and the only drag on the legal system is gay ass fucking cops that pussies like you let them do whatever they want to you.

lemme guess you are a spoiled rich kid and you think daddies lawyer will get you out of anything? hahahaha

the cop had probable cause. and since you were a dick to him that gave him more reason to search your pimpmoblie. and he found some shake on the floor and busted you for posession.


WATCH OUT!!! his e-cock is 12" long. and its in his ass

ooook dude, once again, no facts, make ass of yourself.

I havent talked to my dad in years, so no. This is MY lawyer that I pay for. I’m not rich whatsoever, and he had NO probable cause.

Why you fucking idiots are still arguing about that to me is unbelievable. The cop was wrong, no matter what any of you say isnt going to change anything. I’m loving all the hypothetical situations too, “what u gonna say when he says THIS!”

shut up, nothing, hes not going to say that, because thats not what happened.


everyone in here is making some pretty strong assumptions based on the cliff notes of this case.

nyspeed lawyers rule!

Talk about hypocrisy. In the APD can suck a dick thread everyone talks about how corrupt the cops are, but here in this thread no one can believe this guy’s story.

There are bad cops in every police force. Almost always they are the vast minority (except in New Orleans where it appears they were almost all worthless and corrupt). It’s really not that hard to believe one did something wrong, especially since it’s sound like it was BPD.

If there really is a truly bad cop running around I’d love to see him get fired. It’s good for the citizens and the police force when bad cops are removed from service.