Anyone ever sue a city before?

wow ur an idiot.

your answer should simply be, “whatever my lawyer tells me to say”

That is the exact reason you have a lawyer.

To be truthful, you THINK you have a great case, but you might not. The best thing to do is find an attorney and ask them. Don’t listen to anyone on here. Just give up on this thread and get a lawyer.

i think it’s more because of the fact that he is bitching about getting a weed violation, when he had weed in the car.

EDIT - 4:20

LOL tell me about it. The shit theyre saying and the fake situations theyre making up not only are completely irrelevant but are in no way even close to what went on. amazing.

my attorney agrees we have an extremely strong case here. but we have both agreed, that if they play fair and drop the more severe bogus charge which I havent even mentioned, which was WHAT I WAS TALKING ABOUT ALL THE FUCK ALONG, then we’re gonna just let it go. I’m planning on leaving for the military real soon, so like i said, if they let it go, ill let it go.

Yeah, I guess the law courses I took just taught me to look at cases differently. To me it doesn’t matter if he had weed in the car, a dead hooker, or a nuclear device. If the cops searched the car illegally none of those things are legally there; they simply don’t exist any more in the eyes of the law.

Let’s step back.

He found weed in your car and you’re being charged with posession.

Your argument is that he didn’t find it legally.


Yeah I would think that a good attorney would attack the case in exactly that manner.


if he illegally searches my car and finds a BODY, it doesnt matter and I would ultimately (not immediately) be in no trouble.

and that he lied in the police report

So you come in here, tell us all you’re suing a cop for a secret reason, and then get pissed when we speculate?


I can’t really think of anything to say to puncuate this any better then :lol:

sort of. I wouldnt have cared if he found NOTHING in the car. He ILLEGALLY searched it. I would be just as pissed if this same scenario played out with him finding nothing but some cd’s and an old piece of gum in the car. Illegal search, is illegal search.

thats what we plan on doing.

Fair enough. Good luck with that part of the situation.

But still, don’t get pissed when we speculate when you give us half of a pretty dramatic story. :shrug:

no I get pissed when people talk shit. If a separate thread is needed for all the non-weed smokers to talk shit to the weed smokers, then fine.

the ONLY thing i wanted out of this was to find someone that had been involved in a lawsuit with a city before, what happened, and any suggested attorneys on the matter. THATS IT

true true, but i’d rather leave people hanging that are totally uninvolved than jeopardize this situation any more than it already is!

Sure. But just so you know I’ve decided that the part you’re leaving out is the dead hooker he found in the trunk. :slight_smile:

Doesn’t matter.
1: It was an illegal search.
2: She was already dead on the inside before he killed her.

dont forget the fact that her cheast and vaginal cavity were full of bricks of heroin

The other part of my assumption is that he heard her pounding on the trunk lid with her last gasps of breath. It’s really a pretty dramatic story.

ineedacar is going to jail for a very long time. That’s why I told him to bring lots of Jelly. It’s not just lick lick “There I did it.” He’s going to be in it till thunderdick cums.