Does Obama Lie? or is that a lie?

Whens the last time we were really in “good shape”?

Year 2000

Based on what?

I’m sure it’s not much better now.

First link I found.

The late 90’s and early 2000’s did see a budget surplus and the .com boom but as soon as that bubble burst then it was downhill from there and has been that way ever since.

I think the last time we had a sustained period of economic growth and prosperity was after WWII.

What’dya know? Right after FDR was president…

I’m not downplaying FDR’s presidency since he was one of the greatest but you could’ve had just about anyone in the White House at that point in history and the outcome would’ve been the same. Our post war economy was still booming and millions of returning troops needed housing and jobs and Europe needed rebuilding causing our economy to bloat even further.

2002-2006 was an pretty incredible boom for personal wealth… but thats all gone

The lack of caring in here is amazing. No one sees the impact of what Obama is openly trying to do, and being mostly sucessful. So be it.

All politicians lie, of course they do, but…this is form his memoir, that’s just a scumbag move in my book.

Cliffs: Who cares if you are a liar if you produce results.

unless they r the wrong results

by results, ment “good results”.

Becasue nobody calls fuck ups “results”, they call them failures.

Obama has no choice but to lie since everything he has attempted has been a spectacular failure. The only thing worse than arrogance is his inexperience.

If you can’t change it then why care?

That’s like PJB that keeps driving the truck but complaining about gas prices.

For the record, thinking that one person is responsible for the cluster fuck that is the government and our current situation is hilarious. The two party system is collapsing and are out to cock block each other to make them look bad while they are in power by filibuster or otherwise at any expense, financially or tax payer wise. They don’t care, they are already wealthy, and outside interest will keep them wealthy.

Wanna blame someone for Obama? Blame Republicans, who couldn’t find a fuck wit who could get more votes than a black guy who has a Muslim like name which rhymes with the most hated person and number one wanted man at time of election.

Just keep in mind no matter how bad the situation may seem personally to you, there are plenty of people making big money off Obama or other presidents when economy is shit. Just means you’re in the wrong business or know the wrong people.

Who knows, Republicans might even fuck it up twice in a row election wise.

Spreading the “word” on a small local forum isn’t going to help you win any battles, especially when you live in one of the least business friendly states in the union. There are always better states or even better countries to live in, depending what exactly the person isn’t happy with at the moment.


…because the vast majority of Americans don’t share your defeatist attitude. We have the power to change this country and if we fail it will collapse by natural causes and it will be rebuilt.

The Republicans aren’t to blame for Obama winning, it’s our fault. Despite our better judgement we fell for the “Hope and Change” message delivered by one of the most well spoken men in this day and age. Everything from the color of his skin to the promises he made were against the norm and we all bought into it especially the younger generation and minorities. Now we’re stuck with an empty suit that has done nothing other than lead us further down the path of self destruction.

However in November we have the opportunity for some to deliver some “Change” of our own to Hussein. We voted him in and we can vote him out.

Miami Heats

He was rolling off the cuff right there and got lost hardcore in his words. He put his card down and winged it. got caught up in words, without thinking ahead enough to beat the lips moving. And that speach went on, and talked about Alanzo Morning (or how ever you spell that shit), laughing at his own racist joke about a flat top hair doo.

Its a viscous cycle, I am with vlad. Defeatist attitude if you want to call it that, sure. Name ONE person you personally know; friend of a friend of a friend to the 10th power, I dont even care… that has an actual shot in hell at taking a piss in the 50gal bucket of change for this state, let alone this country. The pockets, moral thinking, selfish attitude, “do me now, and maybe Ill do you later” attitude that RUNS THIS STATE AND COUNTRY are far too fucked. Its like owning 100 acers and mowing it with a lawn tracor. by the time you get to the other side, the first part is already grown enough to cut again. Simply dont have the right tools for the job.

Voting is, a joke. Thats why I dont and wont do it. I cant pick some jomoke I never met and/or never got to know, that I am force fed information over a TV screen, radio wave or PC monitor, information that is simply easily contridicted by the other party against them… Ill just stop there. Casting a vote for anyone, for me, is myself giving in to ignorance. Knowing I will never have a feeling of “yah, I just picked the right guy for the job!” if i voted.


That’s exactly why I said nature will take its course if we cannot implement some serious changes. The spending is out of control and unsustainable and it will eventually crash and force us to start over with something new.

:lolWhen he doesn’t fuck up his speeches he can be very captivating. Unfortunately that’s all he has is empty well spoken words.

There is always a chance for change. If there’s been change for the bad, and there’s been plenty, there can be change for the good.

Here’s a thing to remember… When you’re researching who you’re going to vote for, simply look at their track records and how they’ve voted on things in the past. If a person says they’re going to do this, but then a few years ago they were leaning another way, it must make you think what happened to change this guy’s mind. Money? Mood? Personal stuff? Sadly, money is the motivator to those who are supposed to represent us.

Change to who another president? Why?

At the start of any presidents term, 150 million people in the country don’t like him and voted for the other guy. As the time goes on he will loose another 10%-20% by be the end of his term in approvals. ANY president.

You know why? Because you can’t keep everybody happy. Mitt Romney could be the greatest guy in the world for you, but policies that please you will be pissing off many other people.

Want to TRY change something? Become a resident in a swing state.

But as I’ve said it doesn’t matter who gets elected, it could be the Pope himself, all his idealistic policies would get shut down in the house and senate if they go against the corrupt politicians there that fly low under the radar because people blame all the problems in the world on the president.

There is no accounting for those people, they do what they want.

Inside trading that’s illegal for rest of the country but legal for themselves? Check.
Selling the inside trading secrets to companies? Check
Making policies and ear marks to please their corporate donors such as voting to make pizza a vegetable to use in schools? Check.
Voting to veto a bill that would help and issue and than later criticizing the government publicly for failing to support a bill that would help? Check
Procrastinating on passing and agreeing on the budget just so democrats look bad once we lose our credit rating? Check

It’s a fucking joke. Good luck changing the hundreds of people there that fly below the radar and fail to pass anything useful.

Being a president is like being the owner of both teams in the finals. No matter who wins, half the people will be happy, half won’t and the two teams HATE each other. You can’t ever win in that situation as there has to be a loser when there are two competing teams. Fans of the losing team won’t ever be happy that the other won.