The Obama Deception

The Obama Deception:

Full video is available. For those that are still crying and cheering like fools :rolleyes: It’s funny how Obama’s ratings fell in the first week, just today I was reading how they rock bottomed severely more haha.

Just a puppet actor on a theater stage, full of naive easily lied to and fooled masses of people.

^^ when i see you, we going to have a talk… dont u have shit to do other than talk shit. how u have over 1000 post in such lil time??? if you ever come to meets, make sure u dont come to West End one!!

I’ll pay money to see that.
Not because I think Junior won’t do it, but because I’d love to see Ahmed get his ass kicked :smiley:

^^ haha owned,

Rogerthat240, dude. Do you realize that not everything you see is real? I don’t think you do. Obama has been in office for like a 2 months. Give him time. Alex Jones is the same guy saying Bush took down the towers. This is complete bullshit, anybody can make a video. It only takes one to believe, and speard the “word”

lol i love the reaction. It’s like people have been preprogrammed. People really don’t learn much whether from history or recent events. It’s just epic.

And YES it was a bunch of bad villains like cobra commander armed in caves who took down the two (correction three) towers and their passports were then found in the rubble while they could not… oh wait… they were found in their birth villages they never left in their lives. Oh wait oh wait… it’s that bin laden video! Where the guy admitted everything on video … oh wait that was a fake video.

Yeah poor Alex Jones, george dubya was right don’t you listen to them crazy conspiracy theorists! They real bad for ya!

Nitescream in your friend’s list there is a dinosaur with a penis… I fear you seriously.

Aight i have nothing against rogerthat240 and i’ve never got in on the constant battle of him vs all of son. but seriously… if everything that comes from his mouth is garbage then just ignore him. A clown only performs when he has an audience… if noone goes to the show then he’s just a lonely bastard… so simply ignore him…To be that gullible must be hard but to each his own…


I love my audience.

Bin laden became Pakistani, how convinient, no wonder the US is bombing pakistan (as obama promised har har har)

Are you guys kidding? Do you really believe the president is the most powerful man in the world. lmao

I have to give this one to Ahmed…the responses are even better lol. Its fun to attack Ahmed on silly things, but for this, I’m willing to take the fall just to get out my viewpoint.

The link is down, all of the related videos have been removed as well, even the low quality split up version. I guess I’ll find it somewhere else.

Anyways, Alex Jones is the shit. I used to listen to his 3 hour radio shows. He works hard to research the facts from non-biased sources. I loved when he snuck into Bohemian Grove. That was epic on so many levels. If people are still this brainwashed, and refuse to open their minds to see the true engineered structure of society, you’ll be shocked to realize how different it is from what the media portrays it to you, and what you’ve been made to believe. The only thing that pisses me off about Alex Jones is his texan accent and brainwashed religious beliefs, he’s not as open minded as he tries to make you think he is. To get to that level, you have to look up David Icke. :slight_smile:

And to you people who think people in a cave arranged a plan to infiltrate the North American Air Defense, and then again successfully pulled off a similar plan in London, you’ve gotta be kidding me. Also, jet fuel melting steel, to the point of a free fall building collapse, leading to another demolition style building collapse on a highly insured ($$$) building far from ground zero, not including the free fall building collapse of the second tower, hahahah too funny.

/wall of text

Shit, I just pulled an Ahmed.

I canceled TV two months ago lol, it’s a really funny feeling when you see people watching local ctv, cbc, bbc broadcasts and how different you feel. I can’t quite explain it. It’s like when I don’t see movies for a while and I see one, how it feels so fake (the acting, scenery, things in motion)… yet if you watch this crap for so long you feel indifferent and don’t perceive reality from unreality that easily.

Ahahahahah I just remembered the passport in the rubble incident, and some of the hi-jackers were still alive. How about when bush was asked “What is the connection between Iraq and Al-Qaeda” he said “heh…NOTHING”. The weapons of mass destruction…they were sold to Saddam from, I believe, Reagan’s administration.

There’s just so much inconsistency and fabrication in the stories in the media. Do some research, open your minds.

^That be correct :wink:

The US gave the invasion intel for Kuwait and the chemical and biological weapons of that time to Saddam. Likewise, they were fully supporting Saddam against Iran… and one other interesting thing people are not aware of. The US sold the than supercomputers of the time to Iraq that was used for weapons research to superceed Iran’s independent capabilities (much how the US is trying today to subdue Iran’s independence and sovereignty by sanctions, etc…) And first but not last, Saddam Hussein and the baath party were put into power as the secular alternative to an iranian islamic revolution happening in Iraq. The baathists are nothing but secularists.

^All true. You never hear this mentioned on CNN. lol I wonder why.

Oboma is a Lie and a Joke… We all know it. If u beleive he is going to make a change for the good your wrong. His agenda is completly different

Sad thing is, its not even HIS agenda. HAHAHAH

well you know what’s the real problem.

A. People are preprogrammed to make a mockery of anybody who is different or thinks outside the box. Everyone has to be managed and in line in the box. This is evident beyond politics. It’s the whole system the way it’s managed. Whether it be politics, buying toys, going to mcdonalds or elsewhere, the way people are trained to think and act.
B. People lack any real information outlets other than the ‘trusted’ channels people have been trained to know about and trust since birth. Very few people actually READ or RESEARCH or compare information.
C. People are LAZY and incompetent, uneducated. Most people can not read a paragraph before falling asleep, most people can’t write a paragraph before falling asleep. People have an attention span of a chimpanzee picking their nose.
D. Groupthink. People go with the flow… it’s too easy and people are trained to do the ‘easy’ things and let someone else do the thinking for them. People are trained from a young age to be materialists and consumerists in this system… therefore they are bribed into slavery through satisfaction of one’s own desires… keeping everyone at bay as long as there is entertainment. Take son240 as an example. It’s become standard to instigate fights against me, even though none I argue with has actually spoken to me or met me lol. People join the forum and just join the trend hehe. People are like that, groupthink. They go with the flow.

I’m going with the gusto here. For anyone who still follows the brainwashing boat called the “media” these days - If You have the ability to open your minds for a few hours and think a little more indept then how you were “raised” to think. Watch these movies.

If You aren’t open minded, still believe everything in this world was created by 2 people in a magical garden - then these are probably over Your head.

old, the first part really only applies to Christianity and the church (if you are educated on religions, history of religions, etc… it has an agenda towards bucketing ‘all religions’ with a eurocentric church trend). Part 2 and 3 are excellent however.

i think obama has good points and bad points he is still young in office give him time but on the other side he has said alot of things that will be hard to perform we`ll just have to see with time.

^^ that movie is wicked! the 9/11 part is true… i have done my own research and it just confirmed what i believe and got information on