"YOU LIE" [Congressman Joe Wilson comment thread]

Hahaha a guy from work just showed this to me.

Im almost positive this guy got his ass BEAT afterwards.

I forgot the womans name in the back next to Biden but look at her face…HAHAHA she sux btw

Then Joe shakes his head and tilts it down. LOL

It happens twice but you can really hear it at 19seconds


Guy is a piece of shit for doing that to the President in that setting. Both parties called him out afterward and forced him to call Rahm Emanuel (Obama’s “attack dog”) and apologize after. His opponent in the next election raised like $300k overnight :lol:

Yeah, what an idiot. Both parties are bitching at him this morning.

The sad thing is this is the #1 story for the media and the healthcare debate is now page 2. :picard:

Nothing wrong with a little Parliment action. :smiley:
Maybe The Pres wouldn’t lie so much if he knew someone had the balls to call him on it on national TV while there was a huge audience. Unfortunately not everyone watches Glenn Beck… yet.:wink:

Blue Eyed Devil = Congressman Joe Wilson

Wilson 2012 :smiley:

smart? no. skill required? no. Big ass balls? check!

Flashback 2005 with dems doing the same thing


As a country I believe we have completely lost our way. Its not a democrat or republican thing anymore. Nobody on either side wants to follow the constitution.
That is the real problem here.

I say +1 to this guy. There is so much bs running out of every politicians mouth these days you never know what to believe.

Except he wasn’t lying. There is a clear provision in there that says exactly what Obama said, excluding illegal immigrants.

I really dont know enough to be saying much, but wasnt there something said about no earmarks in the stimulus bill, yet there ended up being a lot of them for BS things?

C’mon, this is nothing new. It’s sort of like saying how bad kids these days are.

People don’t change, politicians have always been corrupt.

regardless right or wrong that takes some balls! Good for him

Congress used to be badass like the days of caning people on the house floor

Anyone notice that the two biggest cunts in the room both had on bright red suits?

Jean Schmidt and Michelle Bachmann were wearing Red?

Remember when politicians used to be statemen? The best and brightest of the land? Respectable?

Me neither, but that would be cool.

Who cares?

I don’t think we have any of those left… It would be nice though :slight_smile:

If it weren’t for the “brightest” part I think McCain wouldn’t be too far off. I can easily picture him cracking Wilson with a cane and muttering “Shaddup while the president speaks. Now is not the time.”