Don't I have the best luck with cops...(story)

Shitty. I have good luck with cops. Never pulled over. Passed a cop in the median facing me, going 110, he just sat there. Lol i was scared shitless

there is a solution to your police problems. Stop Driving 15 mph over the speed limit and scrape the tint off your windows. I think you would be amazed to the fact that the cops would pay no attention to you. Just my 2 cents.


You can only piss in a cops face so many times before he starts acting like a dick to you. Tint is the #1 way to automatically have a bad time when a cop pulls you over.

Add to that the fact that they see every ticket you’ve had when they run your plate, and I’m quite sure you’ve had a lot from your other posts, and that’s just going to piss them off too.

Is it right that they tossed you around and searched your car? No. Do I feel bad for you? Fuck no. Stop breaking the law (especially the tint one) and watch how the cops magically start ignoring you.

In closing, shut the fuck up about your “knowledge” of the tint laws and how you’re going to get out of that ticket because he didn’t meter it. You do realize that cars come from the factory with close to what the legal limit is in NY right? As soon as you add pretty much ANY tint you’re over the legal limit.

I would like to see some in car cam of this stop…story just seems like you are soooo polite and compliant. and they yanked you out of the car for no reason.

and its already been said. Don’t drive at 10, 15, whatever over the speed limit with dark tints and expect to not stand out.

As far as the search. Anything within reach that you could reasonably hide something in is considered fair game. You have tints, they couldn’t see inside, have no idea what you are doing. They would need consent say for your trunk, or if you glove box were locked or something along those lines.

I am sure they were out of line/assholes in some respect, but I can’t imagine that you weren’t either.

Officer Reilly is fun…

never heard of the other one

Yea seriously Im not going to say the cops went overboard but 1am, no one else on the road, tints, going 10 over and then braking after seeing the cop means your just asking to get pulled over. Just go the damn speed limit and then if you still get pulled over post another thread.

  1. Always have your license on you when in the car.
  2. Roll down all (tinted) windows before the cop approaches
  3. Never, NEVER admit to breaking any law.

Ray Charles can see that 30% tint is way illegal in NY. For all intents and purposes, factory tint is the legal limit in NYS. You had to get in one smart-ass comment? Did you ever think that bent over a car in 5* weather is a good time to keep your mouth shut?

LOL dot. It sucks that they went overboard, but stop asking for it.

Thats super shitty man, sorry to hear about it.

On second thought, I haven’t been pulled over since last summer for doing a 100ft burn out threw an intersection. I got the ticket and a ticket for not having my registration affixed. The officer didn’t seem to pissed, until he realized the car was mine and not my fathers for some reason. He said “What do you think your dad is going to say about this?” all sly like. I responded “He probably won’t care since it’s my car and my life not his”. In court it all got dropped to a $50 fine.

Knock on wood!!! I don’t want to get pulled over anymore!!

On a second point my 9 points my now be off my record. Is there anyway to check?

I have been pulled over a number of times, and if you are courteous and just take your punishment, then they are usually nice about it. You know your tints are illegal, you know you are speeding, you know you don’t have your license on you - why be a jerk about it?

I was just pulled over Saturday night, and I had a gun in the car. I understand why he yanked me out of the car, and searched everything. He didn’t hassle me at all because I was straight forward with him. He even lowered the speed on my ticket.

Go to DMV, order driver abstract ($10). It will say what’s on your record, and points expire after 18 months, but stay on the abstract for 3 years (but don’t count against you). The abstract is what the cop sees when he runs your license.

The cop was probably pissed that you said “tints” instead of tint.

LOL!!! Thank you!!

Long story short, I got pulled for being uninspected and didn’t have my license on me (lost it that day). Cop said he was supposed to have the car impounded.

I was super polite, explained everything to him, even offered to have him follow me home to make sure I wasn’t going anywhere but there. Ended up with just a fix it ticket for a burned out headlight (that was already scheduled to be fixed the next day, so no biggie), and he asked me for a few of my business cards for Radars for Rent.

Being super polite can get you a long way.

They where STATE POLICE!?! and acted like that, Well if thats the case i have to chime in on this one. First they did not get consent to search the car, second there actions and language was unbecoming of an officer. Get a lawyer and take this to court. When I hear of state cops acting like that it pisses me right off! 6 Month kick ass training, totaly beating into our heads not to act like that, and they pull that shit! Remember you have rights.

Some vital info for the next time,

  1. Do not move once you pull over, keep your hands on the wheel, do not get your info out untill he ask you 2.
  2. Be very polite even if they are not! And remember what was said by them. Keep an eye on the officers, are they keeping notes in there notepads or just going along without gotting down info. Always try to take notes after the fact, because by the court date info can be forgotten. Officers usualy are suposed to carry a note pad and take notes to save there asses, if they dont and you do, you can save yours.
  3. Do no pig eye them, Or look at them inderectly. Trust me thats a biggie. It sounds stupid but its true.
  4. Never give info, Answer the ?'s to a minimum, dont keep explaning of telling more then what was asked it makes you look like your hiding something. Be frank!

Seriously? Are you just setting him up?

I’ve noticed that troopers always seem to be the nicest. Sucks that they get a bad name from a few bad assholes.


I got yanked out of the car once and the officers got in trouble


i called the station while they were doing it. it was pretty awesome.

Don’t think they are from OP. I don’t think Boston has their own court so they can send you somewhere else. Generally State Police send you to whatever town jurisdiction you commit the violation in.

EDIT: Some of my prof’s would be quite pissed to hear this story. I’ll ask about these guys and see what comes up.

There is always the few bad apples. And im not bs’ing. Unless he is keeping info back and has given these officers hell more times then once, i can see them getting there panties in a bunch, but they are never suposed to act like that.