Driveway Makeover Pt. 1&2 UPDATE PART 3 3/21

ugh i love fox bods

that’ll buff right out y0


Back on the mustangs. Nice!!! :tup:

can’t wait to see this car up and running again!

Nice car to start out with:tup: I love the notchbacks…really wish that was what I was able to start with, but at the time my hatch was the right car.

What are the plans with it? Let me know if you want to get rid of that hood:)

Fix it…drive the snot out of it :slight_smile:

Things to fix…Cosmetics…Clutch is fried…Trans has a 3rd gear grind…needs new clutch packs for the rear end. Clean up some loose ends.

I like the hood too much to part with.

Yeah…the Z is on hold for a bit but not forgotten…picking up smaller parts here and there for it as time goes on.

Oh snap.

Nice car :tup:

nice pickup, gotta love notchbacks

is that from rochester?



yea ill be around this week. mon, weds, fri evenings.

cool…probably grab it weds.

interested in parting with the plate on the intake manifold???

No…I kinda like the engine looking the way it is…if i switch it out I will let you know


Thought this would be funny to quote now…lol

and agreed…ugh, as if you didn’t neglect the Z enough, here’s more reason for it to never get done.

I’ll bet you $100 right now that you don’t finish the Z for 2 years…publicly posting the bet, so i can’t deny it. It will NOT be done by March, 2011.

Interesting bet…I will have to keep some boxes of pennies laying around just in case.

But in reality…the mustang was purchased as a way to enjoy the year…if I love it I keep it…if i get bored of it I sell it and put that $ into the Z.

That is the plan.

Keep in mind I just bought a house so $ is tight for a few months due to closing fees and stuff.

so you’re not accepting the bet? i can smell your vagina from here

No you are on…

virtual handshake