For the love of Top Gear!

Does anyone else love the show Top Gear as much as I do? Not only do they test drive some of the world’s top super cars, but they drive them in amazing places. Like in the episode where they tried to find the world’s best driving roads. Plus the banter between Jeremy, James and Richard is always great.
Even though they just voted the R35 to be “super uncool”, still probably my favorite show on television.

I really have no idea why I made this post…

speaking of which.
james may is up for man of the year. vote for him.

yes i watch it did you see any of the brand new ones? when they take muscle cars and set off car alarms lmao

soooo good what ever happened to American top gear?

Top gear is my all time favorite show, hands down. I thought I was the only one that loved this show that much. lol

The best thing is that people who don’t have much of an interest in cars still love it for the sheer entertainment factor. Remember when Hammond did a scandinavian flick in that mid engined RWD van? HAHAH Or when James admitted smoking a joint when he was a bus driver, then immediately realized what he said and went “NO NO NO!”. How about the V8 blender…endless references.

People accuse the show for featuring only exotics and not reviewing cars properly and being extremely biased, but that’s the point. I fucking love it, I don’t care what anyone else thinks, end of story.

Top gear was cool until Tiff Needell left… now its just a TV drama show

Its a great show I love british comedy. Those who want to catch up on the episodes just go to streetfire.

Nothing will ever come close to the Original Top Gear of Britain, not even this new Top Gear Australia does it for me like the Brits do :slight_smile:

I doubt Top Gear America will even live up to the hype, gotta love the car culture and norms of the UK.

The latest one with the bus race was awesome. lol at the bendy busses

toyota pick up all time best truck they chained it down then let the tied come get it and ith minor tools they got it working blew it up still worked uhhh…nissan has some serious competition with the toyota`s

^ cuz of that truck, I would f*cken buy that or the equivalent if I needed a pickup/offroading truck.

I was sold to the durability and reliability…Toyota stands true eh.

the old series of top gear like before hammond really was soo good… agreeed

I want to watch all the old top gear, but I only found a few episodes in torrent form from the early 90’s, with horrible seeding.

I wonder if they ever reviewed the S13. Where do you guys watch the old episodes? I usually watch the new ones on Ninjavideo, awesome quality…when it works.

probably the funniest show was the one where they competed agents a German car show in all these different events.
the whole part with the double decker car race was so funny I almost shit my pants.

Here we go: Watch PT1, PT2, PT3 and you will be a fan of Top Gear

just go to and type in top gear btw top gear autralia is perty gay

Top Gear = Life.

There’s a reason why it’s the most downloaded tv show.

hands down best tv show. i think jeremy makes the show, without him it wouldnt be as good as it is.

i just stumbled across this website … thought i’d share it with you…

it streams every top gear episode ever … its updated every week with new episodes… sorry for distracting those from studying lol

enjoy :slight_smile: