FS: Roll Cages

Okay… I have already posted all of this… but once again

Regulations, safety devices[/b

  1. (1) The Lieutenant Governor in Council may make regulations,

(a) requiring the use or incorporation of [b]any device or any equipment, in or on any vehicle or any class of vehicle, that may affect the safe operation of the vehicle on the highway or that may reduce or prevent injury to persons using the highway, and prescribing the specifications and regulating the installation thereof;

(b) designating devices and designating an organization to test and mark its approval of any device so designated, and prohibiting the incorporation or use in or on a vehicle of any device so designated that is not marked as approved by the testing organization;

They do not go as far as giving “Roll Cages” its only section like they would a “Seat Belt” because in reality 100% of cars HAVE SEAT BELTS, so to compare something like that to a Roll Cage is just plan stupid as maybe 5% of people out there have one maybe in their daily driver?

I also stated that the tech guys @ TMP can certify the Cage by determining it is of proper build and made to proper specifications. I’m sure the guys @ CSCS and others can as well since once you hit what 11 sec ? you must have a Cage, so you must have someone to inspect them. Their are Targa Officials who work out of Toronto with people prior to heading to Newfoundland. ALL the MTO is looking for is proof from a professional 3rd party that the Cage is Safe.

IF! you want would like to get into the really fine ways of testing a Cage then sure… mind you this only applies to International Racing such as the WRC and their are only a hand of the machines to test the Vehiles not to mention you have to pretty much wreck one in order to test it but yea… http://www.safetydevices.com/content/view/15/35/

The above link even goes onto state that pre Jan 03 even for the International WRC all they did for Cage Certification was prove it was of proper build and to proper specifications.

I do not know how much further detail or proof you require but this is seriously getting ridicules. IF you think the HTA is actually going to have writin words with (Roll Cages) under safety devices, it will NEVER happen. The section I posted from Part 102 is it… That referes to Roll Cages as a “Safety Device which may prevent injury”. But if you would like to argue that a Cage would not fall under that category then by all means…