
wtf do you mean you “heard” I’ve watched you pull that line and come out successful.

exactly, but its easier to say that post college broads are usually a little more mature.

I sincerely hate 90% of girls. I can’t begin to explain how much I mean that. They all seem so selfish and shallow. I love the ones that describe themselves as caring and outgoing, but really are heartless bitches.

Being the sap that is the shoulder to cry on is where we all have been, these arent the girls you ask to fuck, its not that kind of relationship. She wants you to understand her and be compassionate towards her feelings, if you continue to do so and move forward in the relationship, then you can get your fuck on.

no no you cant. if shes already looking at you as a shoulder to cry on, you fucked up beyond repair. cut your losses, be more confident in yourself and the fact taht you’re better than the next girl, and hope it works out better and you don’t turn into a pussy again.

:whogives: If you would have just listened to me at the start this would not have happened… Next time a girl seems interested just ignore her and make her feel like shes not good enough…then fuck her brains out AND MAKE HER BLEEEEEEED!

Wait! What was: “this that and the other thing”???

Was it: “This isn’t working!”

Or: “That I’m not attracted to you”

Or: “The other thing”, being another guy.

Or maybe you were being toooooooooo nice to her??? :gotme:

I’d really hate to say it but sometimes you really have to be a dick to girls that suck like that. It sets them strait. Let’s face it, nobody likes the truth! And dumb girls need to be told the blatant truth… that they suck!

Just LSF that shit son!!!

its ur own fault u cant get out of the friend zone ur to big of a pussy. nicce guys finish last be a fucking asshole.

watch the movie just friends. /end thread

you could always try crying alone in your room. pussy.

seems to me, from what i recall from an old thread, she was a fatty anyway.

plenty of fish, bro.

lol newman, i knew your insight would be the best!

welcome to life bro…in all honesty, been single for a little over a year now and I have never been happier.

A) learn to live single and just hookup randomly; just as satifying without all the BS you are going through

  1. get out of Buffalo. women hear suck especailly more than most other towns/cities, but thats worthy of a whole new thread

That’s the story of life. Seems like either way it’s depressing as hell.

that goes for basically all of this area…

southern hotties and west coast hotties > *

I’ve been single for 4 months now. I attempting to try something new.

and no newman, this isn’t the same girl you’re thinking of.

whats fucked up is this is kinda true. Ive been single for about 2 months now and ive not treated them like shit but i havent payed barley any attention to them at all and they dont leave me alone…lol and the one that i was actually nice to and slightly kissed ass too was acting like i was lol…

ohh well im not dating for a while im just gonna have fun

try, try, again

and learn from this mistake

Well… Fuckit… I went through that and all I can say waiting is not a good thing to do… I went out with the girl who cried on my shoulder… showed her how she deserved to be treated then she fucked me over, and cheated on me with a diffferent asshole… she then expected me to let her cry on my shoulder about him… FUCK THAT.

my advice… stay friends and dont expect more… go out with other ppl, dont let her “oh no I’m loosing you” crap let you change your mind

Edit: if she’s older than oh about 13… don’t listen to any of newman’s advice , actually dont listen to any of his advice… he’s a duchebag

bitch please, u must have a mental disease… assume the position and get down on ur knees, come on!

HAHAHAHA i was going to say the same thing…you didnt listen to me either when i told you to stay the fuc\k away…but i have more pics if you want them :wink: :suckoff: :hitit:


I’ve always like the lines: “Wanna go for a fuck and a pizza?” (if she says no) “whats wrong? Don’t you like pizza?” or “Me and you are here for the same reason, wanna fuck?” Then there is always the “I’m bored, wanna fuck?” appraoch. I’ve never used them but hey, bound to work for some people.

In all honesty though…unfortunatly I tend to be really shy around girls lol. Tourettes> me. I’m too nice to girls and they walk all over me. I have my asshole moments, but I really am one of those “nice guys” and nice guys finish last.