help with overpriced rims

lol, that’s okay, i’ll get Bing to make me a Rolex.

1108 USD, +100 shipping, assuming you get them across the boarder yourself. If not, tack on an extra $200 or so for brokerage fees… Plus the exchange rate… You’re not really that much cheaper. And I probably lowballed the shipping and brokerage.


2k for a new set of rims is average price and you also get to choose your size and offset. if your really want to save buy them used somewhere if you can find them or ship them near the border and pick them up. if your not willing to go through the trouble to save then pay the convience price.

Vivid Racing - $287.10 USD per.

$287.10 X 4 Pcs = $1148.4

$1148.4 X 1.22 Exchange Rate ~ $1400

$1400 + At least $100 in shipping + Unknown Customs = > $1600 CAD (w/o tax)

Assuming we’re comparing Silver - $430 CAD X 4 = $1720 CAD (w/o tax)

Now that wasn’t so hard was it? Where do you get overpriced? All I hear is bitching. If you value your time and effort, get it here. If you want to work extra, get it shipped.

Not to mention the chrome will add oh so much more.

agreed… because of how low our dollar is right now, nothing is really worth buying everything will be inflated. so either bite the bullet and get those rims, or grab a set of MB battles from gbtires!! haha

that’s what really sucks about buying US products or things from the US, sure the prices may beat lots of canadian vendors here even with the exchange rate on say, tires and rims but in the end, the brokerage and customs fees will screw you over.

if your not willing to spend about $2000 in total, then ditch this method because expect to pay lots compared to the product value your bringing in… for things such as a HKS MegaFlow Intake Kit, I bought it for $140 or so brand new from the states online and payed about $40-50 custom\brokerage fees.

But…I guess in some ways, they could still end up cheaper.

get it from canadian. also. get x9 + 15. +30 is sunken battleship with the twins from harold and kumar and u definitely dont need no roll pull with those sizes . stock body handles it perfectly fine.

hahaha i lol’d!

Your lucky your not buying WORK rims try like $3000, now if you overpay on that its something to complain bout.

Hey, wanna buy some baller ass work vs-xx’s? fuck yes you do.

pm me lol

Dude, Hit up Heat W with a pm. Hes always got mad hook ups on tight rims. Such as those baller work equips that Kengi was selling. (they used to be mine - but were Heat W’s first)

LMAO, I can get you a Folex.

email them and ask for a quote, also email whoever they ship them through and figure out the cost of getting them across the border. It was cheaper for me when i bought my rims from them thn it was to get them from somewhere in Canada. That was with the exchange rate. Also this was about 2 years ago. It is a pain in the ass, but it may also save you some money.

Good luck

what baller vs-xx? post up pics, size and price

you wouldn’t be interested, i already inquired about them.

Try pricing a set of HRE, at close to or over $1000usd each.