I bought 2 M16's M4.

Yeah I bought two Air soft M16’S.

Tell me if I got a deal.

Yesterday I seen this and was going to buy it:


But then today I seen this and bought it.:


Is there really a difference besides twice the amount and twice the amount for shipping.

Anyone ever bought one of these? it says its made of steel and some Carbine crap to give it the REAL feel.

Just was wondering if this is true or did I get Had by eBay again?

Few years ago I bought a body kit for a lot of cash. Got the kit in 12 pieces when it should have only been 4. Called the company which was VERY hard to get in touch with and then when I did, I told him that the ENTIRE kit came Crush, box and all. He said that it was Perfectly packed and they wouldn’t cover it and that I should make a claim with the carrier. Ugg. So I made the claim, kept the kit and pieced it together to make it work and it was still just so screwed up that I put it to the curb. THEN a year later the carrier sends me a bill for $250. saying that the guy never paid for his shipments. I was like there’s no way in hell I’m paying for shipping when this guy charged me shipping in the first place. So that’s One of the reasons I don’t trust eBay.

So Just making sure I made a Smart buy or not. I’m not the greatest at this Onlone shoppin thing

You know, kids paint the orange barrel plug black to make it look more real, and end up getting shot by the cops.

I wonder if a criminal has ever painted the tip if his real gun orange to give him a shoot first advantage?

i think they tried to ban certain gun “dyes/paint” because people were doing that. i remember reading something about a month or two ago about it

this is just for my son to play with his friends, Nothing more than that so I’m not concerned about him holding up a wendys at all

you got ripped off.

go to the war store in tonowanda

you bought a plastic gun with a plastic gearbox, it will maybo shoot 40-50 feet accuratly

you can get a well r-7 m16, with a metal gearbox that shoots 100-130 ft accuratly for 75-80

better yet they have ak47’s with folding stocks for 80 that have metal gearbox’s and highcap mags


YOU also bought 2 magazines, one gun, not two guns

the outside of that gun is going to be all plastic

cancel the order and go to the war store and see what the have in stock

holy shit i want that shotgun


stop payment, on you paypal or credit card. you may get negative feedback but do it. your wasting money.

Those guns barely shoot 50 feet when you arc them. Go to the war-store and pick up a few “Clone” AEG’s of either m16, or Ak-47s. They will have much better perfomance, last longer and will actually shoot accurately. If you want a really nice FULL METAL gun, prepare to fork over $300.

Ugg, i dont know how to stop the payment

Damit, I dont have the option to cancel it in the Action box on Paypal! DAM IT, This is why i dont like online shopping. Guess Ill just take the loss and go to that store tomorrow. They’re online site dont work.

Late Edit: Wonder how much for that AR15 They have

The online site is under construction. Its a recently new store. The people there will be more than happy to help you. Any questions Pm myself or zwarbyt

I always wondered what those looked like. That FA MAS is the shit.

Ugh I have an M4 cabine that will shoot a few hundred yards and magazines are cheap. Stop wasting money on plastic weapons

What is “airsoft”?
Is it a bb gun?

6mm plastic pellets, they weigh .12 .20 or .25 grams, very light, they hurt, like a mother, the guns are either spring, gas (propane) or electric, the shoot anywhere from 250 to 500 fps

imagine paintball with real weapons, full auto and huge magazine capacity, further range etc

drawbacks: not as easy to see for sure when someone is hit, people can cheat

solution: light em up so bad they have to scream

This Fuck hasn’t returned ANY of my email’s. I have no clue if this was shipped yet or anything! I’m gettin really pissed about this transaction

word? that sounds awesome if there are leagues / events / etc like there are for paintball?!

isn’t 100 feet a short amount? or is it more than enough?