I'm done playin in Obamanomics

If you get hurt, ITS YOUR PROBLEM. Not mine.

In the event of you getting hurt there a million other jobs outs there that you can do. I once knew someone who was in a wheel chair because lighting hit a tree and a huge branch fell off and paralyzed him from the waist down. That wasn’t his fault, not my fault either. So now this person sits home and sucks off of social security and welfare all day, when even in a wheelchair there are a million jobs that you can do.

I am not going to pay for someone else’s misfortune. If it happened to me I would find a way to work, I would find a way to survive.

But I will tell you now that if I ever lost the ability to do normal daily activities I would not want to be alive.


then make sure you have a health care proxy that says if your injury prevents you from doing daily activities to just let you die in surgery. I can honestly say thats one of the most retarded things I’ve ever heard.

And to clear things up… Employers have insurance for workers compensation… They are required by law. When an employee gets hurt, the insurance company is the one to pay. It doesn’t come out of any government funds or assistance.

but, but, but…:retardclap

I was watching TV last night and saw a report on how the government was raising their spending on animals and insects.



do you have a full understanding of what they were increasing the spending on and why or was it as vague as your post ?

No, however that’s not really necessary. There is no fucking way increasing spending on INSECTS is going to benefit me, or the economy in general.

yea, because insects dont pose a huge problem with destroying crops at ALL.

did you know that bees are dying out, and they are a HUGE factor in crop growth?

part of the reason why these past few years the local apple industry have fallen flat on their face.

BUT FUCK THAT SHIT. Im not paying for fucking insect spending, yay for hope !!!


This shit is retarded.

what is?? understanding and logic?

LOL okay then…

You and your bees go have gay beebuttsecks in a field and let the real men handle the government.

GOD FORBID winnie the pooh dies because he doesn’t sit on his fat ass all day and eat honey… you know, the shit that the BEES HAVE TO WORK HARD FOR!

Do you see the symbolism?

this is gettin realllll intelligent

*edited for truth

shouldnt you be attending to your lawn?

Wow. I state my somewhat biased opinion and I get a personal attack in return.

I love people. :slight_smile:

Some of you need h00ked on ph0nics.

hooook ed o on ph honics a workk ed fa mehh

Help me Obama, my apple tree is dying :rofl