Man pays for truck with 8k in change...

it’s a good idea.

because I hate carrying change with me (if just falls out of my pockets anyway), when I get home from work/a bar/etc I take all the change and 1 dollar bills out of my pocket and put it in a jar.

When you’re hard up for some cash or want some extra $$$ for vacation, it’s a great thing to have. Usually get around 100.00 per fill up (small pickle jar)

my family actually bought our current dog with change saved up in a pretzel container lol. pure bred american eskimo that we paid for in full for, $650 and we still had 1/4 of the container left lol

nice :tup:

So what is his name?

James Jones had owned a 1981 Chevy pickup, which he kept until January last year. The emergency brake gave out as he walked in front of it while it was idling. The truck ran over him, crushing his liver, kidney and several ribs. He spent months in the hospital recuperating.

“He still wanted to fix up the old truck and keep driving it, but I convinced him to give it up,” said Dennis Jones. “He is in pretty good health now, except he rambles a little when he talks.”


you guys better not get any ideas because I know one of you would walk in here with a dump truck full of pennies to buy a $30,000 truck and think it’s the funniest shit ever… I’ll give you negative karma, I swear to God… right after laughing my ass off of course

This is how I paid for my lap dances in Canada for my 19th birthday. :tup:

lol the girls let you do that? where did you put it? did you kind of just use them like a slot machine?


Well I mean, I used all the change I collected, and went to coinstar. Though I’m sure their twat has some sort of coin collecting utility…

her name, is bailey lol. (my mom named it, i honestly think she’s the dumbest animal to ever walk the earth…but whatever lol)

saving change is one thing. paying for a large ticket item with it is another.

I have always wondered this. In the states you give the girl a buck its in bill for and she can take it but in canadia their smallest bill is 5… I usually just chuck coins at the girls like village whores they are.

lol my first time at a strip club (in Canada) I went up with a few friends. They gave me like 5 loonies to tip the girl on stage with… I went up and balanced them on my face and waited.

when she came over and saw the stack of coins, she essentially bitch slapped me with her tit fairly hard (enough to send the coins flying all over the stage).

My friends all had a good laugh

Wait, that cant be a true story… you seriously did that lol.

Wow, I thought it was bad when the other night someone came in and paid $750 for a laptop in nothing but ones. I had to recount it 3 times because I kept losing count. Then I went and washed my hands.