Getting hit in the nuts isn't priceless.

AKRON, Ohio — A jury awarded $786,760 to an Ohio man who says he has endured years of pain and must walk bowlegged after his left testicle was struck by a broken weight-machine bar at an athletic club.

:lol: Poor bastard.

o my ouch

I’m dead serious, I would never trade a million bucks for something like that, or any other longterm pain/disability. Not even for my middle toe on my foot that hasnt bent since I was 3.

omg, unnnghhhh that sucks.

I’d chop off one of my littler toes for a million bucks, easy. It would make a good story at the beach or in flip flops lol.

i once cleared a 3 foot bong rip of cigar tobacco for $12, a pack of cigarettes, and a 12 pack of labatt ice.

ahhh the good old days…

damn…by a workout machine no less…


back when I was like 15 years old… a bunch of friends and I were chilling at a McDonnalds and hitting a nice, freshly waxed, curb. Well, to make a long story short… my friend was talking to his old lady, he was laying on the ground, on his back and I went to go run up and scare him. In doing so I lost my footing and in an effort to catch myself, I stepped-stomped right on the place where the sun don’t shine

I still feel bad to this day… although, medically he’s fine AFAIK, but I’ll never forget the sound that came out of 'em when they got crushed

my friend was spotting me once while lifting weights and i went to punch him in the stomach because he made a smart remark and i punched him right in the nuts.

god i felt like an asshole.

I power smoked a pipe filled with cigarette tobacco for $20 once…

That was so goddamn raw.

try fucking clearing a bong of cigar tobacco.

i coughed for literally 2 days

did you get a wicked buzz off of it at least?