I heard this on 103.3 this morning that Reddit had a thread like this and I felt it would be an interesting one along with stories of drunken moments
To start, I’d have to say the worst at the top of my mind would be a Birthday celebration downtown. I got extremely drunk, way to fast off whiskey. I got very pissed off with my brother who was driving me at the time. I decided to get out of his car and cut through an ally way to get away from him. This ally way happened to have a 7ft tall wooden fence.
I made it over the fence… just landed on my face. Needless to say, I ended up with 7-8 stitches, I couldn’t walk the next day due to having a pulled muscle in my calf which I’m assuming was due to landing on my feet and buckling so fast I smashed my face. lol
What is the worst injury you have caused yourself to have?
Earlier this month I played superman while riding my mountain bike in Allegheny st. park.
I hit the side of a trail when my body was off balance and I went flying @ ~16 mph. (according to strava)
Tucked mid air, hoping not to break my shoulder. Landed on my shoulder and rolled a bit. Covered ~18’ of ground before I landed. (it was down hill, so that gave me some extra yardage)
Could not lift my arm for a day. Iced it down with frozen chicken. Pretty sure I slightly dislocated my ACJ.
Still not back to normal. but I have 85% range of motion back.
I’m still not strong enough to jump curbs, but I can ride wheelies again.
The day after, I hiked through the woods for about 9 miles. 6 of which I was hauling ass looking for the family, but thats a whole other story
I am in no shape to trail run/hike.
The next day, I could barley walk.
I have never felt so old in my entire life.
This past year in March, it was my birthday and I had taken the day off, it was Monday. My gf bought me a new Sabres blanket for my man-cave in the basement, so I decided to take it down there before jumping in the shower and heading out to celebrate. As I was running down the basement stairs, I slipped on the 2nd last step, twisted my ankle and fell flat on my face. It hurt so bad and sounded like a giant rubber band snapping. Turns out, I torn a ligament in my ankle/foot and sprained it pretty good. I’m still nursing that injury and I may be going in for surgery this winter. Great Birthday!
first night of my senior year of high school I almost knocked myself out and ending up getting like 6 stitches above my eye. I went to a boarding school and the beds are provided and the metal bar at the top/end was flush height with the mattress. At like 4am I woke up suddenly and kind of sat up to look at the time. I then proceeded to flop down face first but my pillow had slipped off the bed so I bounced my forehead off the metal bar with my full body weight.
Sliding down a grass hill as a kid, 11 stitches in left knee, no idea what cut me open
Dirtbike as a teenager - 6 stitches in right shin from the brake pedal
Dirtbikes/snowmobiles as a teenager - Torn ACL/Meniscus (didn’t get it repaired until my mid 20s/early 30s, 2 surgeries and months of rehab)
Washing dishes, Guinness glass exploded - 6 stitches in right hand
HS gym tennis, stepped on a ball from another court, shattered my wrist
Learning to snowboard at HV, caught the back edge, massive concussion from head slamming into ice-patch (worn a helmet ever since)
Learning to snowboard at HV (different time); herniated 3 disks in my lower back
That’s the short list from just thinking what I had to go to the DR/Hospital for… there’s TONS of other stuff that was just ice/sore/bruised/etc.
4th grade, racing my buddy to the outside door of the school. It was winter time, as soon as I hit the steps I did a superman into the railing. Knocked myself out and got a concussion.
Bunch of snowmobile/quad accidents. Cruising about 50-60 through a field and hit a frozen hay bale. Did some cartwheels and dislocated my shoulder.
Broke a rib jumping a ditch when I came down and hit the handle bars.
I fell off a roof onto a driveway a few years ago and broke my humorous. Remember falling but not landing. Must of hurt bad because I remember everything else. From picking myself up off the ground and realizing my arm was just hanging like a limp noodle to the ambulance ride.
Knocked myself out when I was younger when I was riding a bike that was too small for me. I think my knee hit the handle bars. To this day I don’t remember.
Ones i didnt necessarily cause myself but could of been avoided are various hockey related injuries. Broken nose twice, multiple stitches, and the last one, took a slap shot to the jaw and broke and dislocated my jaw. I wear a cage now.
I punched a solid oak door and broke my hand in 2 spots. Still have super bad arthritis and my hand cramps up sometimes and I can’t move it. My pinky also sticks out about 2 inches.
It hurt but it was nothing crazy. Definitely a stupid thing to do
6th Grade I was biking with Gus in the dark outside (BMX). I had a crack in the sidewalk out front that we used to do jumps off of. I attempted an X-Up and didn’t quite get the bars back straight. I was catapulted over the handlebars breaking my two front teeth out and cutting my face really bad. This ultimately lead to 6 root canals.
I also dropped a fireplace poker stick thing through the webbing of my foot piercing right through.
wakeboarding. I did an attempt at a 180 with no tower to keep me in the air longer. I went off the wake, faced forward and came down. caught me edge and went face first into the water. It felt like someone kicked the everliving shit out of me. I broke my friends bindings with my feet from hitting so hard. lol
OOOH, I got this one in the bag! Is there a trophy?
I got myself ran over by my Moms car.
I was 11, delivering news papers and it was raining out. To make it go quicker, my Mom was driving down the road and I was going to/from the car to grab more papers. When we had to go about 15 houses down, to the next house, I hopped in and left the back door of the car open while we were driving the few houses down. As we were driving, I saw the back tire of the car spinning and decided to play with it with my sneaker to make that WHIRRRRZZZZZ sound from the tread. Sadly, as my Mom started to slow down, my shoe caught the tire tread. The tire pulled my shoe off, then sucked me out as well. My one leg got pulled under the tire and the back tire actually stopped on my foot. I still remember the confusion as I screamed, “Get off my foot! Get off my foot!” I didn’t break anything, but my knee opened up on the ground from the top of my knee cap to the bottom. I had to get a whole lot of stitches. I still have the scar to remind myself about common sense and that “kids can be pretty stupid.”
All between the ages of 12 and 18…
Lets see, couple bruised ribs going off the handlebars of a quad, didn’t quite clear a double jump.
Chipped both front teeth sledding, bad enough that I could bite down on a #2 pencil and it fit inside the gap (double root canal and 2 capped teeth to fix that one).
Hit a guy so hard in a bar fight in Quebec that knuckle of my little finger on my right hand is flat to this day. Never saw a doctor on that one but it looks funny when I make a fist with both hands and the right hand has one less knuckle lump than the left.
I’m much smarter now but last winter my thumb killed for most of the season after I rolled the sled on the 2nd ride of the year and sprained it real bad on my awkward superman barrel roll landing. If John would have been a little closer behind with the GoPro it would have made a perfect clip to set to R.Kelly’s “I Believe I Can Fly”.
Oh damn! lol Sounds fun. Fancy seeing you on here again.
One I completely forgot.
I created a luge board when I was a wee little thing. It was made using a 1980s skateboard (had the plastic back pad and plastic around the bottom edges) Two hockey sticks (lefty and righty) and duct tape. Taped the butt ends together and the blades for my head to rest and my legs to rest. I wore shorts and a t-shirt. I had a street hockey goalie mask on. My brother pulled me on his mountain bike who was 4 years old than me at the time. At the time, he was very fast runner… I got up to full speed, hit a twig, board rocked back and forth a couple times, came out from under me and causing me to flip about 4 times, skid on my ass a few feet and the board flipping 10+ times and almost nailing my brother.
I had the worst road rash all over my body. My ass/hip had about a 1 ft road rash from top to bottom and side to side. I was about 9 or 10. All because of a twig!
I didn’t learn, I built a new one years later and got pulled by a goped.
It’s a stage 3 separation of my AC joint and a full tear of both of the ligaments at my clavicle. Every doctor I’ve seen has said that it’s the worst separation they’ve ever seen haha. It happened at the new Buffalo skate plaza the first time I was there. Trying to jump from one section to the other I ended up clipping my back tire and landing directly on the shoulder. It was pretty useless immediately after.